
Recap of Houston Twi-Tour

Good morning to you all!

Wow lets see how I write this ,so its not a 10k word blog,lol.

TwiTour Houston was held in the Westin Galleria inside the Galleria Mall. The areas for the Convention were done great. The vendor hall didnt have too much but its was good stuff that was selling. The Hillywood Show ere the Host for the whole con, they did a great Job. Kyle is Jacob and he is Very good looking. They showed us there New Moon Parody and also talk about the making of it and several other questions in their Q&A.

Peter (Dr. Cullen) was our only guest on Friday, so it worked out sooo good that way, he stayed doing Questions and telling stories for over 3 hours. He didnt want to stop. My question was picked and he basically came and sat right next to me and draped his arm over me, I forgot my question at this point when he asked. I recovered slowly and he proceeded to awnser it. He did this for several other questions, that was great of him to do. So then it was Photo-Op time, theline was long but it moved smoothly. Fnally My turn with my Mom, he gave her a hug and kiss for her bday. Taking my mom on Friday was my gift to her for her bday and my goal for her to meet her Favorite Cullen. It was such a priceless moment. Peter said a few more words with me and then we left.

The Lexicon panel was durning this time,so I really didnt get to hear much of it. We also did the Yes/No Trivia game, I missed a Jacob question, go figure right. After this then Hillywood did their Q&A. Once this was done and Peter was done, he came back to sign autographs. That was such a smooth process with Creation, it was by row and I have no complains at all. They also let you personalize anything you wanted signed by him.

Now we had down time from Twitour and this is when we planned our Twilightmoms Dinner at the Rainforest cafe. We had quite a group over 30 of us. It was great to meet new TMs. SOme had come from Louisiana and other parts of Texas. We really had a great time. Now it was time to head back and go enjoy Karoke with Mike  Welch (Mike Newton).

Stephanie with Creation mention that Karoke was a thing not to miss with Mike, She was not kidding. First of all let me start with Mike is a very good looking guy in person, the movie does nothing for him. He was such a crazy Host and he sang about 6 songs, and he really gets into the song. He will sing anything and his Dancing WOW. Karoke lasted over 3 hours and he also took pictures and signed things while show was on, What a Great guy. Team Mike.

Now begins Saturday Twilightmoms we did a Meet & Greet and a gift exchanged, we had a real good time and came away with great gifts. My gift is a Glass block converted into a light with Jacob on one side and wolf tatt on the other. Hillywood showed their New Moon Parody again for new guest. Then it was time for Gil (Billy Black). He was also nicer looking than the movie, he weight trains. Thats how he was discovered for acting. He took questions and was soo funny, he calls the Wolf Pack, The Puppy Pack.

Then when he finished it was another panel for the Lexicon about interviews they had done when Twilight was being filmed, very good panel. After then Charlie(Dimitri) and Christopher(Marcus) took stage. These two were a hoot, Chris loves to make fun of Charlie, he was cracking up most of the time. They did reenactments and said some of their lines, Christopher did he line"NOT WITHOUT CAUSE" that was priceless. then it was time to get ready and go backstage for Twilightmoms panel.

We were backstage when the Charlie and Chris finished, really nice guys. I had to follow them to take my Photo-op with them if not I would miss it, so the panel started without me. So first I took my picture alone with Charlie and then went back to the twilightmoms panel, we talk about so many different hing and we had a great crowd listening and had questions asked as well. While on stage I was pulled by creation again to have now my Photo-op with both Charlie and Chris, they had finshed and were now waiting only foe me. SO i had few mintues of converstaion with them and we also walk across the mall back to stage area together, Chris was such a gentleman, he opened doors for me and said be careful at that crowd walking the mall, it was like playing froggger to get across.

Now it was time to see the Eclipse trailer on the big screens at convention. Then we got to see some past interviews at other Twi-tours while we waited on Kiowa to arrive. He finally did and he got on stage. He is a interesting character I tell ya. You must listen to his wolf howl.

so then I had time for some luch while other photo-ops took place. I only did pictures with those I didnthave already. Came back to hall and got ready for the auction. I won a Jacob Banner, got a great deal. Its currently hanging in my boys room on their wall, its that big. I wanna say 4 by 6ft. Someothers won great stuff too. Denise one of the LA TMs won a signed picture of Rob. Then on to Mike(Mike Newton) to take the stage. He didnt let us down. He was all over the place and talking and jumping on the stage. I will again repeat myself, He is really good looking. Once he finished then Hillywood came on to show now their Twilight Parody. Once they did that then it was time to get all the actors autographs. I was a gold memeber, so all autographs are included in your price. They all personalized as well whatever you wanted signed. Gil ask aboutmy name and I told him it was Cuban orgin.

So now was downtime again until the ball, Some of us twilightmoms met again st Chilli's to eat and have a drink before the Fun starts. Then we all head back and get ready for the Ball.

The ball was so good, All the actors minus Kiowa came back to the ball and 3 of them danced with the trivia winners (Mike,Charlie and Chris). Theu didnt leave after that, they stayed and danced thenight away with all of us in the dance floor, Mike took center stage again when he went onstaged and sang Summer Lovin with one of us on stage. It was sooo cute. They must of left about a hour after it started. Then Hillywood hosted dance off, Me and Holly were finalist, the winner was a young girl. Then HIllywood showed us the New moon dance and we all had a great time doing it. After that it was just dancing and picture taking.
It was a end to a great 2 days for me, I would not be returning on Sunday, i choose to spend Sun with my Family instead. All my pictures from the convention are on my facebook page. If you wanna know more detail about something let me know, I tried keeping this Short and Sweet.

P.S. Creation Twi-Tour is AWESOME, I recommend everyone to go to one of these near you or not. I plan on going to another one real soon. They cater to you and Honestly I dont have one complaint about the whole weekend. It was Excellent. Im looking to maybe attending Orlando, FL on Dec. Will see!  Now back to my regular scheduled programming,lol.

Love ,Peace and Twilight


  1. Sounds like ya'll had fun!!! I wish I would have went to this instead of wasting my time at Twicon last year.

  2. sounds like you had a blast. Isn't Charlie the best!?! ;)

  3. Yara, so glad you had so much fun! This sounds just as great as the Nashville Creation Con! All of the Twilight actors are just the best--so giving of their time and talents, and they (and Creation) really appreciate the fans! Thanks for sharing--and belated Happy Bday to your mom!

  4. Swooning with jealousy over here. :D It looks like you and the moms had a blast.


  5. I love Peter!! Glad you had a great time!

  6. Ome I was at Houston and New Orleans for baseball and I remember seeing you! Are you going to Dallas Twitour?


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