Venomous Book Review

Author: Christopher Krovatin
Pages: 323 pgs
Reading Level: YA

This book is for the comic book lovers. you get a dark, emo-ish story thrown in with sides of Comic book. I also think this book will appeal to the Guys more than the Girls. The writing in a few cases had me a bit lost or I was just reading and lost some momento. There are parts very funny, I will say that. The parts that are written as a side story in a comic book form, I honestly didn't care for. There is a lot of F word thrown in the story that either can offend or not affect you at all.

The story is basically following Locke Vinetti, he has a inner struggle with what he calls "The Venom" Venom is his bad side that tends to come out when he is provoke or pretty much anytime he doesn't agree with anything. He meets a emo girl Renee, she sort of starts to help him, but she is just as dysfunctional as he is. They have best friends in common, that also have some inner issues. My favorite character in the book is Lon, Locke's younger brother.

Synopsis: Locke Vinetti is a high school junior, disenchanted and more than a little hostile. In fact, for years he's had a lousy social life because of a problem he has with his anger--a force he calls "the venom." Ever since he was eight years old and bit off a piece of a classmate's nose, he's been something of a loner. But all that is about to change when he goes out with his one friend, Randall, to meet some of Randall's crew hanging out at Riverside Park. Because in addition to meeting his kindred spirit, Casey--who has his own problems with his own kind of venom--Locke meets the spikey blue fairy-haircut Goth girl of his dreams. And if their relationship is going to work, he knows he has to rid himself of the venom once and for all. Interspersed with comic book adventures of the fantasy anti-hero alter-ego Locke has invented for himself, Venomous is a fast-paced, funny, and ferocious read about one teenage boy's struggle with his inner demons.


  1. I love that cover and I have been loving books told from the guys POV so I might have to check it out.

  2. This is a brilliant book, even for girls. It makes it easier for girls to understand what Locke goes through in his time but it's easy for boys as they seem to get the macho end of it. Ive read it a million time and its totally worth reading! Plus some of the art is amazing!


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