Book Expo America

Well what a crazy night last night. Registration opened again for BEA. So of course thanks to Dee at Good Choice Reading I hop on the computer. The thing is we had no idea what we were doing, so we started to call and tweet anyone that knew something. Well I ended up doing it right and wrong. The wrong part is I signed up for a Book Blogger seminar I didn't mean to pick and that gave me a fee of $120.00 for this event happening the day after BEA. The right part is I'm still signed up and awaiting approval like everyone else. So today I sign on to the live chat and asked all the correct questions and what I need to do is send in a fax requesting to cancel the blogger seminar and they will issue a refund. I wont have to register again. I would still wait. Also they inform me they are fixing a issue with the registered guest sign on. If you don't have a password they are working on correcting that and issuing a email once its fixed.

Here are notes:

1. You would visit this link to register: That will bring you to a screen where you have to enter all your information.

2. Once everything is filled out, you would click Continue and click on Journalist > Blogger > then continue from there.

3. Now here is where EVERYONE got confused...I was told by NUMEROUS of people that we do not pay because we attend as Press, but the next screen was bringing us to another little box to check that says Blogger and then $120 Dollars. We do not need to check this box. That $120 is for a concurrent event, which is Book Bloggers Convention that is taking place at the same time. DO NOT click the box if you do not want tickets to this event and HIT CONTINUE. If you are purchasing tickets for this, then go right ahead and click the box!

4. If you did pay the $120.00 and You do not want to attend the book Blogger Seminar then this is what you have to do. You have to write a letter stating you want to cancel this event. Then you will Fax the letter to #203-840-5304. Make sure to include your information that you registered with. 

So there you have it, now we have to play the waiting game and hope we get approved of course. Ive never been to BEA so even if I dont get approved I plan to attend somehow. 

Email me if you have any questions. 

Thanks Dee for the Help.


  1. Thanks! This helps a lot! What did you write in the title space that is the only space I am unsure about!

  2. Thanks so much for the advice. You were much more helpful then all the people on the phone and on the live chat. I hope I will get approved just like you girls. Good Luck! :)

  3. If you register as editorial media, then it says we must provide "editorial credentials", what is that?


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