23 December 2010

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly event hosted HERE. A Weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading.

What Book Changed Your Life?

Well if you follow my blog and look at my blog's title, you can easily tell which book it was. Twilight! Yes I will explain why, its not the Shirtless Jacob or the Sparkly Edward. I am a Floridian, born and raised, then 4 years ago my family decided we need to make a change and that change was move to Texas. What a big change it was, We left all our family and friends behind and came out to TX where we knew no one. Then one day I was reading a magazine and see the cover for New Moon and that it had just been released and Twilight was the 1st in the series. Well I pick up Twilight and New Moon and pretty much fell in love all over again with Reading. So now came the waiting for the next book to be released and I started searching the web to see who else could be feeling the way I was over this series and came across TwilightMOMs.com. Well to make this story short, Twilight has given me the most amazing friends. Its also brought back my reading obsession and well this wonderful blog eventually. So this same story I've told Stephenie Meyer when I met her and Thanked her for having a wonderful dream. 

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