Talisman #2
Author: Brenda Pandos
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publihsed: December 15th 2010
Review Source: Author
Available: Amazon
Summary: (from goodreads) With the local vampire coven decimated, Julia and Nicholas try to begin a somewhat normal life together. Bound by secrecy from a shape shifter determined to see Julia’s world-saving prediction come to fruition, Julia isn’t allowed to tell Nicholas the leader survived, ransacking her happiness with guilt. When Alora returns, bent on revenge, the reunion forces Nicholas and Julia to choose what they are willing to live and die for.
We begin here where The Emerald Talisman left off. Brenda made this one a roller coaster ride from the beginning to the end. As a sequel I think it did a great job following the 1st book. It continues to give us a story that has not been written before in the Vampire world. The characters are well written. Honestly my favorite character is one of the supporting character. I still enjoy the main characters but the way Brenda writes this supporting character you just have to love him.
Nicholas show us a new evil side to him while Julia is now the one trying to save and protect him. Their relationship grows but of course with some major bumps along the way. I enjoyed reading Julia's new side and that she finally has embraced her gifts. She even begins to use them to help her out at times. Alora is back and we find out details about her involving Nicholas. We have a character appear that I won't mention so I don't spoil the surprise. So overall if you want to read about a different Vampire type story them pick up Brenda's books.
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