22 December 2010

Show Me the Free Reading Challenge

I think 2011 will be the year I finally get into different reading challenges. I have signed up for my 2nd challenge of 2011 and its reading free eBooks provided by either Barnes & noble or Amazon. Show Me The Free Reading Challenge is hosted by The Unread Reader. The challenge is to read minimum of 12 eBooks, the challenge runs from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. You can join at anytime. 

Here is a tentative Reading List:

I will add more in the year. Do you have any suggestions? 


  1. Yay! Thanks so much for joining the challenge. That is a great book list! Can't wait to read your challenge reviews.

  2. WHERE DID YOU FIND WISH FOR FREE!!!! I"ve been dying to read that book!!
