10 January 2011

Book Review: Awakened

House of Night #8
Author: P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Pages: 290pgs
Reading Level: YA
Published: January 4th 2011

This next installment in the House of Night series was full of Love, Action, Mystery and Magic. The authors did not hold back this time around and gave us a little bit of every one's story and what was to happen next in their chapter of their lives. I always have liked how the Authors describe to us all the locations dealing with this series, it help you imagine you are there. We will get the usual complicated storyline, don't even think its getting easier for the characters.

We begin the book with Zoey coming back from the Otherworld and with Stark at her side. We see their relationship become something more than Stark being Zoey's warrior. I am a fan of Stark but I do miss Heath. I felt that Zoey was lacking her strength in this book, if you read it you might agree with me. The events that happen between Stevie Rae and Rephaim the Raven mocker I really did love how it was written. There is a death that takes place that was a  real big shocker to me and it broke my heart. I feel it could have been written a different way. I don't know about you guys that read the series but I'm so ready for Neferet to be over with, she just takes up book space for me that she doesn't deserve. The ending of the book also was unexpected and I believe will make book #10 excellent.

Summary: (from goodreads) At the start of Awakened, the pulse-pounding eighth installment of the bestselling House of Night series, Zoey has returned, mostly whole, from the Otherworld to her rightful place as High Priestess at the House of Night. Her friends are just glad to have her back, but after losing her human consort, Heath, will Zoey—or her relationship with her super- hot Warrior, Stark—ever be the same? Stevie Rae is drawn even closer to Rephaim, the Raven Mocker with whom she shares a mysterious and powerful Imprint, but he is a dangerous secret that isolates her from her school, her red fledglings, and even her best friends. When the dark threat of Neferet—who is coming closer and closer to achieving her twisted goal of immortality—and Kalona returns, what will it take to keep the House of Night from being lost forever, and what will one desperate girl do to keep her heart from being irreparably broken?

1 comment:

  1. I have to get this out of the library! There are such mixed reveiws on this book...
    Great review!
