Once Upon a Twilight (Ana)

Once Upon a Book Signing!

Welcome back to our 2nd posting for our new meme. We hope so far you are enjoying reading it. Today the meme will feature Ana's and Jenny's first signing they attended.

Author Tami Hoag and Once Upon a Twilight reviewer Ana

I found out that New York best selling author, Tami Hoag was going to be at the Barnes & Noble in Wellington, Florida, promoting her new book, “Secrets to the Grave.”  Since I have been dying to go to a book signing, I decided to attend and take my partner-in-crime, Jenny, with me.  Since I had never been to a book signing before, I didn’t know what to expect.  I thought that it was going to be boring, but I couldn’t have been more wrong!  She was sweet and very funny.  I totally loved her! She told us how she got her ideas and how she chose the characters names for each book.  I thought it was fascinating when she referred to all of her characters as real people and how they dictated which way the book should go.  I thought that it was pretty funny how she admitted to arguing with a few characters because she didn’t always agree with them. 
This was my first experience at a book signing and I am happy that it was with Ms. Hoag. Thank you and welcome to Wellington! If you haven’t attended a book signing yet, I totally recommend it.

Ana and Jenny Im so happy to know your 1st book signing was memorable. Next week we will bring you Nicole from Tribute Books signing experience. Stay tuned! 

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