Friday Five: 2/4/11

It's Friday so that means Friday Five that was started by Author Cheryl Renee Herbsman. Our friends at Eve's Fan Garden and Page Turners also partake in this meme. 

Each Friday we will post a question or topic, then respond with our five choices. 

If you can change places with any five character's in any book you love which ones will it be?

Yara's Answers:
  • Calla from Nightshade by Andrea Cremer. I would love to see what it feels like to be a wolf and run free with a pack in the woods. 
  • Alice from The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. I think it would be cool to be her just to see how her special power works. 
  • Meaghan from The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. I want to be her just so I could meet Prince Ash. Do I need any other reason really?
  • Jacinda from Firelight by Sophie Jordan. To be a Dragon would be a amazing feeling. Feeling the transformation and then flying high above everything. 
  • Sookie Stackhouse from The Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. I think living as Sookie would be a eventful ride. She has so much happening to her at all times and all the different people and Shifters and Vampires she deals with. I think it would be very interesting plus I can read minds. 
Jenny's Answers:
  • Obviously, my number one preference would be Bella from the "Twilight Saga" by Stephenie Meyer.  I would love to experience her life and see if i would have made the same decisions that she made. 
  • Bella from "Lover Awakened" by J.R Ward because I just love the connection between her and Zsadist.
  • Mary Luce from "Lover Eternal" by J.R. Ward because I would love to tame a wild beast! 
  • Grace from" Fantasy Lover" by Sherrilyn Kenyon because how cool would it be to be able to revive your dream guy from a book! 
  • Faith from "Vampyre Kisses" by Elizabeth J. Kolodziej, i would just love to wake up one day to learn that I am a witch and have to learn all my new powers.   
Ana's Answers:
  •  Bella - BDB - Because Im in love with Zsadist!!
  • Hermione Granger - Harry Potter - Because I wish I could live in that world and be able to go to Hogwarts!!      
  • Alice - Twilight - Because I love her character!


  1. OMG! Loving Jenny's answer! hehehe.

    If I had to pick my own I would like to go with Cat from The Night Huntresss series by jeaniene frost :D!

    Liz ^_^

  2. Glad to see Alice on your lists - she often gets overlooked.


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