28 March 2011

Author Interview and Giveaway: Author Dawn Judd: The Network Series

Hi everyone today on the blog we are happy to bring you Author Dawn Judd. She is the author of the series called The Network. Dawn also runs the Breakout Book Club on Facebook. Let's welcome Dawn today with a big Hello.

Dawn Judd's Links:

Welcome Dawn!

OUaT: When you came up with the character of Khalida, why did you choose to make her a 5000 year old vampire?

I wanted Khalida to have a lot of history.   The biggest part of her relationship with Raymond was his love of history and his facination with her past.  When she explains about vampires losing their humanity because they lose everything else around them it is because it's something she's gone through.  She has felt the lonliness and despair and has done things she's not proud of, but she's been around so long that she has come full circle and wants to regain her humanity once more.

OUaT: Which of the three books in the trilogy did you find hard to write and which was the easiest?
I'm finding the last one the hardest to write because it is different from the first two.  It isn't written from Khalida's point of view.  Instead it is coming from someone close to her.  The problem is that I've been in Khalida's head so long, it's hard to step out of it and think like another character.
The easiest was Phantom Rising.  It was just a continuation from the first book, and the rhythm was already there.

OUaT: Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?
I hope to make it a full time job.  I really enjoy writing, much more than anything else I do, and hope that over time I can improve my writing.  Looking back, I think of all the time I wasted not writing anything.  I spent 11 years as a SAHM and everything I started I threw out because I never thought I would get to do anything with it.  I don't plan on wasting anymore time wishing I could write.  I plan on writing every time I get a chance to.

OUaT: What do you find so appealing about the genre you write for?
I didn't intend for my first book to be a vampire book.  It just kind of happened.  (my daughter's requested it)  But every other story I started before that was a paranormal fantasy.  I don't know why it appeals to me, but it really just does.  I probably have every vampire, werewolf, zombie or ghost movie ever made on dvd.  I'm an addict.  And since it's what I like to watch and read, it's also what I like to write.  I'm just very comfortable with it.

OUaT: Please tell my followers in one sentence only, why they should read your book.
Because there are no sparkly vampires in it.  :D

OUaT: If you could choose one superpower to have, which would you choose?
To read people's minds.  I hate it when I don't know what someone is thinking, especially when it comes to what they are thinking about me.

OUaT: If you could jump inside any book, and live in that world. Which book would you choose?
That's a tough one.  So many books I like.  If I had to choose just one, I guess it would be Mysterious Island by Jules Verne.  I've always thought it sounded like an exciting place to be.
OUaT:  What is your guilty pleasure?
Starbucks Vanilla Frappucinos.

OUaT: Give us 3 good to know facts about you. Be Creative.
1.  I love the outdoors.  I used to spend my summers in the Black Hills in SD when I was a kid.  (I especially love SD.  I miss it like crazy) Loved hiking, camping, fishing, canoeing, etc.  I miss those days and try to get as much outdoor time as possible.
2.  I love horror movies.  The scarier the better.  My favorite movie is The Shining.  Some friends of mine went to visit the Stanley Hotel, where the movie was filmes.  The brought me back the key to room 217.  It is probably one of the coolest souvenirs anyone has ever brought me.
3.  I have an unnatural fear of jellyfish.  I lived on the East Coast for 3 years and never once went swimming in the ocean.  Moved to the Gulf Coast and only got in the water once.   I'm more afraid of being stung by a jelly fish than being attacked by a shark or alligator.  (Didn't bother me at all to swim in the rivers with the alligators in Mississippi)

OUaT: How can a reader contact you, or purchase your books?
Both of my books can be purchased on Amazon or Barnes and Noble (nook too).  Readers can contact me through any of my sites or facebook pages.  I can also be found on the Breakout Books page on Facebook.  I love to hear from readers, so definitely come chat with us.

What great answers. Thank you Dawn for taking time out to do this for us. Now for the giveaway, We will giveaway signed copies of Reining In and Phantom Rising from Dawn's The Network series. You can read the reviews HERE.  

To Enter:
  • Fill out the FORM
  • For US and Canada only
  • Ends April 11th at Midnight
  • 1 winner will get both signed copies
  • Will you comment below?


  1. I really enjoyed your interview.
    Dawn, I so know what you mean about jelly fish!

  2. I won't swim in the ocean because of sharks, but after watching a documentary about deadly creatures in the water, I have a new appreciation for, and fear of, the deadliness of jellyfish. So, another reason to stay out of the water...LOL!

    Great interview. This sounds like an exciting series. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I enjoyed the interview and would love to read The Network Series :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  4. Great interview! Sounds like great reads.
