
Author Interview and Giveaway: NYT Best Selling Author Julia London

We are thrilled today to bring you a New York Times Best Selling Author and USA Today Best selling author. She has written many romance and historical romance novels. Julia took time in her busy scheduled to answer a few questions for us today just before she left out of the country on a trip. You can read reviews on the blog for Julia's books HERE.

Julia London's Links:

Welcome Julia!

OUaT: Do you enjoy or find it easier to write contemporary fiction or historical fiction?

I don’t find one harder or easier than the other, really.  Stories about people and relationships are timeless, and to me, the difference in the two is in the speech and the cadence.  Historicals tend to be a little easier in their pace.  And I do strive to make it sound historical to the reader’s ear.  The contemporaries are faster-paced and the dialogue is easier to write (as the characters talk like I do).  They both have their challenges, they both have their pleasures and I enjoy doing both very much. 

OUaT: What were you doing the day you found out your book had made the New York Times best selling list?

It was just another day in la-la land!  I was working.  The lists are sent to publishers Wednesday evenings in general.  My editor called to tell me and said it as if she’d been expecting it, but I certainly hadn’t expected it!  I was thrilled.  I think we went out and toasted me, if I recall J

OUaT: If someone has never read any of your books before, What would be 3 of your books you recommend for them to start with?

Such a hard question!  I would try Summer of Two Wishes, which is the first book set in Cedar Springs, Texas (contemporary).  I would also suggest Year of Living Scandalously, which is the first book in my new historical series, The Secrets of Hadley Green.  I have had a very good time writing this series.  And I would try maybe Wicked Angel or Secret Lover.  They are old historicals but a couple of my faves. 

OUaT: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I have always written things, and I have always been an avid reader, but I never really aspired to be a writer.  I worked in government for many years as a policy analyst and then public administrator, and I wrote long papers about really boring stuff.  I woke up one day and realized I could not be a bureaucrat all my life.  It was soul-numbing work to me.  So I decided to try writing.  I never thought anything would come of it, but it was a satisfying diversion.  Miracle of miracles, it worked out for me and now I have the best occupation in the world. 

OUaT: Can you tell us your latest news?

I don’t really have any news, per se.  I’m just plodding along here in Texas!  The next two books in my Secrets of Hadley Green series will be out back to back early next year.  I will be reissuing some old contemporaries in Ebook format later this spring (The Lear Sisters and the Thrillseekers, Anonymous, series).  And I haven’t quite decided what I am going to do in terms of contemporary fiction just yet.  I’ve been writing the Cedar Springs series, but I am not sure I want to continue.  So please stay tuned!

OUaT: Can you describe your typical day?

My typical day has changed a lot over the last few years.  I used to have the luxury of just writing and hanging out, but the publishing industry has changed so much since I started.  I typically like to get out with the dog and run in the mornings.  I have to spend a lot more time on promotion and the business side of things now, and that seems to take up a couple of hours each day.  Then I try and spend at least two, internet-free, distraction-free hours on a book each day.  I try for more, but if I get two solid writing hours, I am happy.  And I usually work on more than one project at a time, so that’s two hours per book.  Hopefully three or four hours per book. 

OUaT: If you could leave your readers with one legacy, what would you want it to be? 

Stories they remember and that stick with them. 

OUaT: Who is your all time favorite fictional character? 

Easy!  Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. D’arcy from Pride and Prejudice

OUaT: What is your guilty pleasure? 

Brownies J

OUaT: Do you listen to music while you write, if so what type? 

I can’t listen to anything when I am writing the first draft—I start listening to the music instead of my thoughts.  When I am editing, I do listen, and it depends on the book.  When I wrote A Light at Winter’s End, I listened to Pearl Jam. Sometimes it is rock or alternative rock, sometimes it is classical.  I think I listen to classical more for the historical works.  Sort of puts me in the mood J

Thank you so much for inviting me to share with your readers!  If you want to know more about me, you can visit me at (I am there almost everyday), or where you can sign up for my mailing list to keep abreast of news and upcoming books.

Now for the Giveaway, We will giveaway two of Julia's book that we have copies of. 

To Enter:
  • Fill out the FORM
  • For US and Canada only
  • Ends April 6th at Midnight
  • You don't have to be a follower but we love if you do
  • 2 winners will be chosen
  • Comment below 


  1. Loved the interview. It's always nice to get to know a little something about who's words you're reading.

  2. Both of these books look good=) I hope I win!

  3. These look good!!!

    Here is my tweet:!/thehiddenbiblio/status/50703218132525056

  4. Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm an old follower.

  5. I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway. :)
    adsanders77 at gmail dot com

  6. Wonderful giveaway! thanks so much!

  7. I enjoyed the interview and would love to read A Light at Winter's End and One Season of Sunshine :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  8. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! Would love to read either!


  9. Great interview. Both books sound great. Love to read them. Thanks for having this giveaway.



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