
The Big 1st Year Blogoversary Celebration!

WOW! I never thought that I would be celebrating this day today. When I started this blog, I did it for a few friends that wanted to know what I just finished reading and where was the next place I was headed to see Twilight stars. Then I remember the 1st time I was ask if I wanted to review a book. The author that gave me that chance was Laura Kreitzer, she even offered a signed copy of Shadow of the Sun for my 1st giveaway as well. I was so excited and honored and today Laura and myself we have become great friends. So you can say after that I pick up a few more followers and then a few more and finally I was at 500 followers in no time. I couldn't believe it. So since then everyday I put on my thinking cap and just ponder over what else I can do to better the blog for you all. I also get such a satisfaction when I feel that in someway shape or form I have helped a author pick up a new reader. Face it, if we didn't have Authors then we wouldn't have a need for book blogs. The one thing I really love also about having started the blog is all the great people I have met either in person or in cyberspace.

So yes some call what I do a job and I say yes. Some say but you don't get paid, I say yes I do. I get paid everyday when a follower or author comment on a post. I also get rewarded with books and swag all the time. To me that's shows that our hard work has been paying off.

I wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU, to my reviewers, Jenny, Ana, Trudy and Lily. You ladies are just pure awesomesauce. With out you ladies, Once Upon a Twilight wouldn't be what it is today.

To our followers, WE THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS for sticking it out with us everyday. We only hope we continue to bring you what you enjoy about this blog and more. hope to see you back again next blogoversary. If your here, will be here too.

Ok enough of the mushy stuff, on to the goodies! 

I wanted to make this giveaway special and different. 

Our main prize will be for a new Sharper Image Literati Wireless eReader. 

Excited? I hope so. Ok so to win this eReader will be simple. You must be a Follower. If you want extra entries, I have chosen a online charity that benefits classrooms in need. The charity is called What I will ask for you all to be entered in this giveaway for extra entries is to make a donation. The denomination you give will be the number of times you are entered. So if you donate $5.00 you will be entered 5 times, $20.00 is 20 times, ect... Now here comes the part you must do, once you have donated you will get a email receipt of your contribution. You will have to email me that receipt as proof to be entered. Fill out this FORM with your details. Once I get your email, I will then update you as confirmed the number of entires you get. This giveaway will only be for the US due to shipping cost. International followers you can enter if you cover the cost of shipping. Good Luck and remember this is for such a great cause. Make sure you EMAIL me the receipt from your donation.
So easy right? Just Follow me to enter and if you want more chances at winning Donate!

Second Prize: A Charm Bracelet of your choice. 

My great friend Tammy at Inspired by Books Designs has kindly given one of our followers a chance to win a book inspired charm bracelet. You have the chance to pick up to 10 charms to add to the bracelet. She has all kinds of themed charms and examples of completed bracelets in her site that you can peak at. You can choose anything from Harry Potter, Blue Bloods, Mortal Instrument and even Blackdagger Brotherhood. So many to choose from you will just have to see. 

Bracelet Rules and Entry:
* Fill out this FORM
* Follow Tammy's Blog: Elevator Girl
* Giveaway is for US only (unless you will pay shipping)


  1. Woot woot! Huge CONGRATS on the one year! :)

  2. Congrats! =) One year is a long time!
    I think it's great how your doing your giveaway too

  3. Happy Blogoversary!!!!! I also want to thank you Yara for giving me the opportunity to read and review some wonderful books and be part of such a wonderful team and blog. Love ya girl!!! :)

  4. Congrats on your first blogoversary! And many more years to come! YAY!

  5. Wow! This is great! I've been a fan of DonorsChoose for a long time, and my mom is a 1st grade teacher who has benefited from DonorsChoose (! So excited!

    Thank you!

  6. Thanks Everyone! Im so excited to be able to help the kids out with this giveaway.

  7. Congrats hun! Here's to many, many more!!! And I'm so honored to be a part of your Blogoversary! Thanks! :)

  8. Tammy Thank you for the wonderful bracelet your donating! xoxo

  9. Happy Blogoversary and thank you for all of your amazing giveaways and great reviews!

  10. Congrats! What an amazing give away!

  11. Congrats on your 1 yr blogging birthday!!!

  12. Congratulations on a full year of blogging and that's a pretty awesome giveaway you're hosting! :)

  13. Happy Blogoversary! When does the giveaway end?

  14. Happy Blogoversary and thanks a lot for this great giveaway!

  15. Happy Blogaversary!!!! What a fantastic giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!
    OMG I really want to win this one ♥
    Thanks for the chance.

  16. Happy Blogoversary! here's to many more to come

  17. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. ~HaPpY hApPy BloGoVeRsArY!~
    Thank you for your blog..It's one of my favorite blogs to visit..I know its tons of work and I appreciate all you do..
    So huge cheers to you..

  19. Congrats on first Anniversary!


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