26 March 2011

Giveaway Coming Soon: Autism Awareness Giveaway Hop

Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not a Writer blog and a few more bloggers will be hosting this wonderful giveaway hop. April is Autism Awareness Month. This hop is special to me because my Nephew/Godson Adrian. He has Autism and he is now 18 years old. He makes us all proud in the family with everything he has accomplished and become. This year he will receive his certificate for completing High School and then he will attend Roosevelt Warm Springs in GA. To read more about Roosevelt Warm Spring Institute CLICK HERE

So make sure to either sign up and take part in this great hop or mark your calenders for the date. Either way, Help us spread the word. The hop will feature something related to Autism or Aspergers in some way.

For More Information about Autism


  1. My son is 15 and he is autistic. He was diagnosed at 2 although he was almost 5 before we received an official diagnoses and it was almost another 2 years before he was placed in a school.

    It was something that was barely know about and certainly not spoken about in Ireland back then. I found myself having to explain to people all the time what it meant and it was many, many years before I convinced certain family members this wasn't something he would simply grow out of. The doctors said I was one step ahead of most parents because I knew what autism is.

    Sadly in Ireland we are taking a step backward and the government are pulling back on funding and no longer officially recognizing some children as requiring extra care.

    I am extremely grateful to you and the other blogs taking part in this hop and Autism awareness month.

  2. Thanks so much for participating in the Autism Awareness month. My brother is Autistic himself and it is just so difficult making his life easier. Its an emotional roller coaster for everyone in my family so I really truly from the bottom of my heart thank you for this event. :)


  3. Thank you for participating in this hop, as well as for being a supportive family member of an amazing autistic individual. CONGRATULATIONS Adrian - you are an inspiration, to me and many others like you! :)

    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz
