
J.R.Ward posted 1st page of Lover Unleashed

Today on Facebook the Warden herself posted the 1st page of Lover Unleashed. She says she doesn't like posting excerpts so she just took  picture of the page and posted it. I'm not sure if its legal for me to post the page on here so I will just put the link. 1st Page of Lover Unleashed. The book starts off with a Prologue from 1761 Old Country. I can't wait to have this bad boy next Tuesday.

Who else is excited?????


  1. *happy dance* OMG, I can't wait! I've gotten some really great spoilers in the last week,and I am just chomping at the bit to have this book in my hands!

  2. I just seen and posted about this also. It's exciting, huh? :D

  3. Very exciting! Thank god BN downloads after midnight!

  4. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it...LOL OMG I am sooooo excited!!! I cant wait to have the book in my hands or in my Nook. I cant wait!!!!
    I feel like a little kid.

  5. Dying for it to be next week already! Thanks for posting this -- I missed it on FB.


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