
Top Ten Tuesday: 3/22/11 - Bookish Pet Peeves

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment.

Top Ten Bookish Pet Peeves 
(all those things that annoy you in a story, with book covers, bookstores, etc.)

Once Upon a Twilight's List (in no particular order):
  1. Dog Ears - I would never do this to a book. I think no one should do this to a book. You can just grab the nearest object around you and use that as a bookmark until you get one. 
  2. Price Stickers - OMG these stickers are very annoying. They are hard to come off and sometimes tear into the cover. Why if the book has a bar code do you need a price sticker. 
  3. Borrowing books and not returning them - It hasn't happen for a while but before it would always happen to me constantly. Then I have to end up buying another copy. Why keep it if it wasn't yours to begin with. 
  4. Changing Cover Design - I say stick to one look, especially if its a series. We like for all the books to match. 
  5. Series that drag to long - Series have to come to a end at some point, so why not end it on a good note. Don't drag it out to the point that you loose your fans. We don't want to read a Soap Opera.
  6. Jumping from scene to scene - Let me explain, sometimes you reading in your in 2011 then all the sudden your in 1985 then back to 2011. This drives me Bananas. You can gradually do this but not in a abrupt way. 
  7. PDF Files on the Nook - Ive noticed some of the pdf files Authors/Publishers send tend to be off. Either the font is to small or it has several blank pages while turning. I believe its how the pdf is saved. Also that you can't bookmark pdf files on the Nook. 
  8. Names I can't pronounce - I really get all bothered when I'm reading a real good book and Bam, its a name I have no clue how to pronounce or what it means. Its a bit distracting for me. 
  9. Cliffhangers -  I know we need them but I can still complain about them, lol. Some make me throw the book when I'm done. 
  10. Paperback to Hardcover - Why??? If you started one way finish it that way. Now my books don't match. Remember many of us collect and love to show the books off. 
Not so bad my list right? What are your Bookish Pet Peeves?


  1. I agree with all of these!! My favorite author has a lot of older books that are being republished with newer covers; drives me crazy! I accidentally bought the newer version not realizing I had already read it. But I talked with her, Diane Chamberlain, and she said that she doesn't have control over any of that. It is all the publishers doing. So I'll just have to be more careful next time. lol!

    Have an example of the NAMES I can't pronounce... I stopped reading Nicholas Sparks book, The Lucky One because I didn't know how to pronounce Thibault. Finally came up with just saying T in my head and made it through the book.


  2. I'm with you on series switching their theme of cover of my favorite series was turned into a television show halfway through its cycle, so the book covers were changed to reflect the show's actors instead of the book characters. While they shared the same names (mostly) the book series and television show had VERY different characters. I much prefer the original cover art.

  3. I definitely agree with yours although the hard/soft cover thing doesn't seem to bother me like it does most people. Definitely agree with the names I can't pronounce though! I don't have an eReader so can't comment on that though.

  4. Price stickers are the worst! Thankfully, Borders aren't too bad. They come off the back easily and don't leave a sticky film behind. But, I still have that they put them on the book in the first place!

  5. Names I can't pronounce...agree! I can't pronounce things at all! If I ever have to try and pronounce things from books, sometimes I sound like an idiot, lol. Great list!

  6. Agree! Especially the names I can't pronounce :)

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  7. Great list! Especially, #8-Names you can't pronounce and #9- cliff hangers. When i can't pronounce a name I just make something up. I am just so glad I have only encountered 1 cliffhanger in my reading. I stayed up all night to finish the book only to find it ended in a cliffhanger. Luckily it was a really good book and short series.

  8. Yes, Bad character names - especially ones you just can't pronounce. Price stickers are annoying too... I think the worst I've encountered are from BJ's.

  9. Meh. Dog ears don't bother me. But I totally agree with you on #4, although I've never thought about it. I know a lot of people prefer their Kindles and Nooks now, but to me, there's always been an aesthetic, material aspect to reading. I like attractive books. I like books that look nice on shelves. Visual cohesion plays a role in that.

  10. What a great list! 3, 5, and 10 are my favorites that I hadn't thought about. I keep a list of books that I've borrowed from others and also a list of books I've loaned to others. Some series just never know when to end, or perhaps the author just doesn't know how to end the series.

    And why would anyone go from paperback to hardcover or vice versa in a book series? Choose one format and keep it that way or else follow the protocol of releasing it in hardcover then paperback. But don't choose one then go with another! Nice list, and thank you for visiting! :) Happy reading!

  11. I so get what you mean about long dragging series and scene jumping. P-L-E-A-S-E.

    I am your #1 Dog-Ear-er. I am sorry to admit it to you. I just love to dog ear. I don't know how to explain that need in me.

  12. I wholeheartedly agree on the characters names you can't pronounce. Sometimes I don't know how to say them correctly until I hear them said in the movie version (if there is one).

  13. I also will ask the author if I get to meet them at a book signing, then I will ask why that name,lol.

  14. I have trouble with PDF files, too. My iPad won't read them at all! Very annoying.

  15. *High fives* We have same number 1 pet peeve.

    I don't know if you've done this when encountering number 2, for me I take a piece of scotch tape and press it on the price sticker face. Then when I'm satisfied the most of the price sticker's face is on the sticky area, I gently pull the tape. While the trick is getting most of the annoying numbers out of the way, I usually don't mind if there's still the white square at least the price is no longer there. :D Hope that helps.

    With number 10, this reminds me of album releases too. Sheesh, the marketing arm sure goes on overdrive.


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