BEA Blogger Dinner! Update


HI everyone,

There is a update to the blogger dinner on Wednesday, May 25th. We are changing the time to 9 P.M. That day Harper Collins has a cocktail party that Damaris (Good Choice Reading) and myself are invited to from 6-8 P.M. Also the place we had chosen to meet up does not open that late so we are looking into Dallas BBQ. Damaris is a local from NY and she often eats at this restaurant. The prices are very affordable. If you have signed up already for this dinner and gave us your email then you have received 2 emails from us already regarding this change. We will try are hardest to make this dinner happen so everyone can come. We have some great authors attending the dinner and we wouldn't want anyone to miss the chance to meet them and have a nice time talking books over dinner. 

So if you know of someone going to BEA or BBC, let them know about this Blogger dinner. Dont forget to fill in this FORM , so we can have a count on how many want to attend. 

So we hope to see you all there.

UPDATE (5/9/11): We are confirmed for 9PM at Dallas BBQ. If you have any questions and didn't get updated email information from us with time and date and location address, Send us a email then. 

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