Book Blogger Convention in New York

Hi Everyone, I'm so excited to announce I will also be attending Book Blogger Con in New York on May 27th 2011. This will take place on Friday after Book Expo America is over. I kept hearing through the grape vines that this was a event I should not pass on. So being that this will be my first time attending BEA, I said OK then I must attend BBC too. So its official that I will be there on Friday. 

So if you are a blogger attending BEA, then try and make it to BBC too. You will have to go back to your BEA registration and update it there. CLICK HERE to see all the Bloggers, Publishers and Authors that will be attending so far.

Follow BBC: Twitter / RSS Feed 


  1. Sounds fun. I keep trying to find someone to go with me, but I can't get anyone too.

  2. YAY, this is my first year for both too! I shall see you there =)


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