TGIF: 4/15/11

TGIF is a Friday feature hosted by Ginger at GReads! to recap the week on your blog and to answer a fun question.

This week's question is:
Fictional Places: 
If you could visit any fictional setting in a story, where would you go?

Great question, there are so many places I would love to go to in the books I have read. Since Forks, WA is a real place I won't use it today. I will have to go probably with NeverNever from the Iron Fey series. Who doesn't want to go and mingle with all that Fey. 



  1. I still need to read those books! Gah. I suck lol. Love that name though, NeverNever :-)

    TGIF & Happy Reading, Yara!

  2. I agree! I would love to visit the Iron Fey world! It's one of my favorite fantasy worlds :) Love the series ^-^

  3. I thought about choosing this world!! It DOES sound amazing! Great choice. :)

    TGIF!! Jess @ Gone with the Words!

  4. I would love to visit the Summer Fey but only if I had Puck with me. It's kind of dangerous there, you know.


  5. I have not read the series but I'd love to go to a Faerie world!

  6. Oh! Great choice, and then there's Ash, hehe!

    TGIF @ Dog-Eared & Bookmarked

  7. i haven't read these books yet, but i heard very wonderful things about this series. maybe i better check them out. :D


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