Help us welcome today to the blog author Gina Marie Long, she is the author of the Werewolf Series. Unknown Touch - Werewolf Series - Book one and Unknown Scent - Werewolf Series - Book Two are the two out now available. You can click HERE to read Jenny's review for Unknown Scent and read below for a chance to win a signed paperback copy. Now we hope you enjoy reading the Q&A that Jenny asked.
Gina Marie Long's Links:
Welcome Gina!
OUaT: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m an only child. I grew up in a rural town with a population of about 800 from the time I was a baby until I was 18. Then I moved out from my parent’s house and fled to the big city...6 miles away with a population of 7,000 - Oh boy. I’m married with no kids. I have ADHD and OCD, which messes with my ability to focus. And I talk a lot and can make friends with a rock.
OUaT: I read that you owned/operated a Beauty Salon for 16 years? What influenced you to change careers after so many years? and When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

OUaT: Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?
As a child/young teen, the books or authors that stand out in my memory are Watership Down by Richard Adams and several Judy Blume books. Then as a teenager I read J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Wow. Very involved and deep. A complete WORLD this genius had created! Moving a young adult/adult, Anne Rice was superb! Eventually, the one author who ultimately sparked my desire to get serious and write a book was Stephenie Meyer. Beyond her, several authors I admire and bow down to are Christine Feehan, Jacquelyn Frank, Karen Marie Moning and Amanda Hocking. Sorry, I couldn’t pick just one book or one author!
OUaT: Did you design the cover?
The cover is actually a photo I chose and purchased from an online image site! My publisher cropped it and added the printed words. One interesting note: the title is actually a Werewolf Font, according to what my publisher told me. The type is made to resemble animal hair!!
OUaT: Will you have a new book coming out soon? PLEASE PLEASE BOOK 3!
Hopefully, I will have a new book out in a few months that I will self-publish. Yep, I’m gonna jump on the bandwagon and try my hand at it like many famous authors have done. It will be a Bigfoot Series! I will heavily promote it as an eBook on all the major sites that sell eBooks and will still offer it in paperback, too, through Amazon. I’m only taking a pause on my Werewolf Series but plan on writing Book 3 of it after the first Bigfoot book is done. As long as my publisher wants me, I will stick with them for the Werewolf Series, but self-publish the Bigfoot Series, just to be clear on that.
OUaT: How did you develop the plot for “Unknown Scent”?
I sat down with a notebook and brainstormed on and off for days. I jotted down what “makes” a good story – what are the important elements to include in it (example: good vs. evil, some form of romance, supernatural goodies, etc.). I asked myself what I was interested in: specific types of story lines, TV shows, movies, other books. I tossed around about three different ideas and settled on one to write. I created an outline of the story from start to finish. I basically know how it’s going to end before I start writing. Plus I research on the Internet anything I need to know for the book. I come up with names, locations, book title, chapter titles, background stuff on the characters, the timeline of events/scenes in the book, etc. I have most of this all figured out before I start typing Chapter One.
OUaT: What is the craziest thing you've learned while writing?
That question could be taken several ways...Here’s a few different answers: While I actually write, I’ve learned that I just cannot let it flow and type endlessly. I have to type a little and edit a little and I just assumed I’d be able to zip off page after page and come back later to proofread and edit it. No can do. On a positive note to that, I don’t have to edit as much after the book is finished. Another way to answer your question: Some crazy things I’ve learned while writing have to do with all the cool myths and mythology I draw from/use for certain character’s background. The research is fun, mind-blowing and stirs my creative juices into weaving the old legends into my own story. Of course, I can’t give you an actual example, because I don’t want to spoil HOW my werewolves and vampires become or are who they are...mwahahaha...(oh that was lame).
OUaT: It’s almost summertime, YAY! What’s your favorite thing to do outside?
Sitting in the sun or shade, reading a book (usually on my Nook) and sipping coffee with approximately ten mini-marshmallows that’s spiked with two sugar-free sweeteners. Yep. That’s the truth.
OUaT: What questions are you never asked in interviews but wish you were?
Hmm...How about: What surprises have you learned as a published writer? My answer: I’m shocked at the number of writers (published or not) or wanna-be writers out there in the world. Until I really dove into the whole writing business, I had no idea that so many people were out there doing or trying to do the same thing as me! The competition is tremendous. Also, the amount of time I spend on promoting my books is unreal. I have a small publishing house and I understand they don’t have the time or money to devote much to marketing each individual author and almost all of it falls on us – the writers. That means a good portion of time that I should be writing, I’m working on ways to get my books “out there”. Sad, but true. Luckily, and perhaps oddly, I love marketing! But am still shocked when I look at the clock and realize the day is over and I never typed a single word in my next novel.
OUaT: Is there anything additional you would like to share with your readers?
Oh now that’s a loaded question. We could be here for hours with my answers...OK...I’ll attempt to summarize. I love to use ellipses (plural)...and I know I overuse you’ll have to deal with it...okay?! [chuckling] Next...I try to keep my writing PG-13 for two reasons: 1) I want to have a broad age-range for readers of my books and we know tweens and teens are eating up the genre I write in; 2) My parents and sister-in-law read my books and I just can’t handle writing sex scenes knowing they’ll read it. Awkward! It’s just the way I am! Next...Advice about writing: Try to follow in the footsteps of those who have succeeded. Dissect what they’ve done right (and wrong). Don’t reinvent the wheel when others have already created the blueprint for you. The meaning of success is different for each person. Most success requires luck, timing, time itself, reaching out, persistence, investment (some money), who you know, a well-written entertaining story and NOT giving up.
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Thank you to Gina for taking time out and answering our interview questions. So here comes the extra fun part of course. We are offering a signed paperback copy of Unknown Scent - Werewolf Series - Book Two. to a lucky reader.
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- Giveaway ends May 31st at midnight
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Yara the link to your form puts up a picture and nothing else
ReplyDeleteThe link has been fixed, Thanks Kim
ReplyDeleteI'm getting the same result when I click on the form. All I get sent to is a picture.
ReplyDeleteI need to know what is filled in on the form for the section:
I don't understand what info goes there. Thanks.
Thanks again :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance at this one...sounds like a good one. :0)
ReplyDeleteI forgot on form to say gfc rlrlaney that I follow your blog thanks
ReplyDeleteThis is the author-Gina Marie Long. I want to thank Jenny for the awesome 5 "Tree" Review & the 10 Question Interview! It was interesting, fun & eye-opening typing my answers! I'm long-winded so hopefully no one fell asleep if they tried to read it all ;) Thanks & good luck to all!
ReplyDeleteGina Marie Long
I haven't heard of this series. sounds like it is fun to read.
ReplyDeleteI love the variety of questions asked! I'm a newbie to this blog, and as an aspiring student writer, reading these interviews gives me some great advice! Thanks to the bloggers and to Gina Marie Long!!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the interview with the author. Thanks for the giveaway1
Great interview cant wait to read your series
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great series - can't wait to get copies. Thanks for hosting - I had no problem with the form. Old follower -
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this awesome giveaway, it sounds like a great series. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win this book! I always happy finding new authors and books to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteLadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
Enjoyed the interview. This sounds like a great series. Thanks for the giveaway!