Strand Tote Bag Giveaway!

So of course I have to share the love with my followers for Strand Book Store in NYC. I was able to go there while in NYC for BEA and bought a extra tote bag and button for one of you to win. 

There is the wonderful prize. So one of you will have the chance to win this cute tote and pin for yourself to take to your book signing or anywhere you like. 

to Enter:
  • Fill the FORM
  • Ends June June 6th at Midnight
  • Only US and CA 


  1. VERY COOL! thank you so much for the chance to win. BEA sounds like it was WONDERFUL! I hope to get there someday!!!

  2. ahh that was the bag I wanted but didn't purchase because I had no where to put it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I love bags! =) Count me in.

    kprwrite at hotmail dot com

  4. Someday I will make it to BEA - sounds like a great time. A bag from the Strand would be awesome!

  5. How awesome are you! Thank you for the opportunity to win!


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