24 June 2011

Book Tour: Teenage Garage Sale with Author Dawn Metcalf

Teenage Garage Sale

Today as part of the Luminous blog tour Author Dawn Metcalf shares with us what she would have at a garage sale in her teenage years. Dawn's debut novel is called Luminous. 

Dawn Metcalf Links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Oh my gosh, where did you find this stuff?!?

Yes, I know, there's a whole box of LPs. Records. Vinyl. *sigh* Nevermind. Let's see, we've got David Bowie and Cyndi Lauper, The Bangles and The Police, ZZ Top and Art of Noise, Arabic bellydancing and Charlie Parker and Tricia Alexander, The Blues Brothers, Monty Python, Bill Cosby...evidently, I always had eclectic tastes. Hmm. Here's a big stack of old paperbacks, they've got that old book smell: mostly Xanth novels and Gibson cyberpunk (the Nancy Drew and Judy Blumes must've gone out on the tween sale). Why aren't there more? My dear, you wound me. I still have them up in my library back home! Now who is really going to want these VCR tapes? That's an entire collection of random OnTv movies and old cult classics: Rock n Rule, Buckaroo Bonzai, Dunderklumpen, Jim Henson's Storyteller...makes me want to run a MST3K evening. Wow! I think this is the entire season of Beauty and the Beast, lovingly recorded three episodes at a time. No. Not Disney. Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. You've never...?! Right. We're keeping these. I think this entire bin of dress-up clothes says something, doesn't it? Ren Faire, Purim, and Halloween parties, complete with a working miniature crossbow and a set of pan pipes...it's probably a good thing I never learned to really use either one! And look at this blast from the past--this huge box of wide, perforated feed paper is what I printed my first few books on using that boxy thing under the table: a Commodore 64, which I upgraded to a Mac II when I went off to college. Gah! It weighs a flippin' ton. What, those? They are feathered Mardi Gras and leather Carnival masks. I used to collect those from New Orleans as well as decorative ones to hang on my wall. I liked to have things from places I'd traveled; small vases from France and Israel, a pinata from Mexico, a rainbow mobile from Hawaii...where are my Naot? Those were the best summer shoes ever. There are a couple of trophies: one from Forensics (when it used to be about theater and not blood samples), one from soccer or was it basketball?, and one from my first and only road rally with the guys. Yeah, you won't see the gaming stuff, the photos, or the letters from boys...I still have them. Okay, let's go pop some popcorn and begin your flashback education!

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