
Book Tour: Top Tens List with Auhor Elana Johnson

Top Tens List

Today we welcome the wonderful Elana Johnson, Author of Possession. Click HERE to see everyone involved in the Teen Book Scene Tour. Possession was just released this Tuesday June 7th. My review will be posting by the end of the week, so look for it. So lets see what Elana choose as her Top Tens.

Elana Johnson's Links: Website / Blog / Twitter / facebook / Goodreads

Top Ten List: Top Ten places or Activities you did in High School

1. Marching band. Spent a lot of time there, laughing. Fun.

2. Golden Corral. Spent a lot of time there, working. Not as fun.

3. My car. Spent a lot of time driving. Darn rural communities.

4. My best friend’s house. She lived closer than me to everything, and I changed there all the time. So much so that I married her older brother…

5. AP classes. Yes, band and smart-people classes. I was *that* person.

6. Utah State University. Seems like every activity worth attending was there.

7. Cooking. Did you see Golden Corral up there? I made a lot of rolls.

8. Friday night football games. I think I went to every home game.

9. The “A” at Utah State. We played night games there every weekend we could. And by that, I mean when it wasn’t below freezing.

10. Lightning. You know, the basketball game. We used to go over to the church every Saturday and have “Lightning Fests.” It was awesome. Hey, I’m not a bad shot…or at least I used to have skillz.

1 comment:

  1. Great top 10s. I definitely spent A LOT of time in my car as a teenager. So excited for Elana' release.


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