25 June 2011

Cover Revealed: The First Time

2009 Debs eBook anthology
Contributors: Cyn Balog, Lauren Bjorkman, Leigh Brescia, Jennifer Brown, Kirstin Cronn-Mills, Janet Gurtler, Teri Hall, Cheryl Renee Herbsman, Stacey Jay, Heidi R. Kling, C. Lee McKenzie, Saundra Mitchell, Jenny Moss, Jackson Pearce, Shani Petroff, Carrie Ryan, Sydney Salter, Kurtis Scaletta, Jon Skovron, Kristina Springer, Rhonda Stapleton, Charity Tahmaseb, Jessica Verday, J.A. Yang, and Lara Zielin.
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: October 2011
Available: eBook format only

Summary: (from Jessica Verday's post) With 25 different authors contributing, there's sure to be something here for everyone! From first kiss to first love, there’s no time like the first time. This will be an eBook only(available via Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords) and the tentative release date is October 2011.


  1. I don't think I'd want anyone knowing the details of my first time anything... *cringe* LOL

  2. Bookish Brunette has a point :) LOL

    I do think the cover is beautiful and was surprised to read it was an anthology :) It made me think of a supernatural awakening and stepping into a new life with a new life experience. Anthologies are good though and like you said there is usually always something for everyone.

  3. Oh wow this sounds awesome, definitely adding it my to reads list!
