Once Upon a Book Signing
Today we welcome Author Stacy Juba to the blog. She will share with us her personal experience with books signings.
This apprehension was strongest during my very first book signing, when I was 18 years old. Avon Books had just published my young adult hockey novel Face-Off and the publicity department arranged a book signing at the local Royal Discount Books chain. I remember talking with the Avon publicist, Mary Kate, on the phone and saying nervously, "What if no one comes?"
"You'll do fine," she assured me.

Still, I agonized about the book signing. What if no one showed up? What if people did attend - what should I say to them? What if I spelled someone's name wrong on a book? What if I had a pimple? (After all, I was a teenager...could happen!)
Luckily, my fears were alleviated during the signing. I waited uneasily on a stool near the cash register, where the employees had a pile of my books on the shelf. Thankfully, several friends and relatives turned out for the event and I made easy small talk with them. I was also happy to see my fifth grade teacher in line. Having important people in my life take the time to attend the signing meant the world to me, but it also made my day when two "strangers" bought the book - people who didn't know me, but decided to purchase a copy for their kids anyway. That was when I felt like a real author, realizing that my book would be read by people I'd never meet, but hopefully the story would touch their lives in some small way.
Fast forward nearly 20 years, and now I do book signings much more frequently. Since I'm still introverted, I prefer group signings, such as a recent one I did with mystery authors Barbara Ross and J.E. Seymour at a New England library. I've even done presentations in conjunction with many of my signings, speaking about my books and the writing/publishing process. The passing decades have increased my confidence, and I no longer worry about signings the way I did for my first one. I just hope for the best and feel grateful that I'm living the dream I started pursuing as a teenager, writing and publishing books that maybe, just maybe, someone would like me to sign.
Bio: Stacy Juba's titles includes Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, Sink or Swim and The Flag Keeper. She also blogs at the Mysteries, Murder & More blog at http://stacyjuba.com/blog/blog/.
Stacy, I loved reading your story. I can only imagine how good you must of felt when they bought those books at your 1st signing. As a fan who goes to author signings, I know what you mean when you wonder if one person will attend or a full house. Ive experienced both. Thanks again for sharing with us your story. Now readers make sure you stop by and say hello to Stacy on either Twitter or her Blog.
If you would like for your book signing to be featured on the blog, then send me a EMAIL with 1-3 pictures and a blurb.
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