
Our Coven keeps growing

It seems our small coven keeps growing. I thought I write some info on everyone, to get us well acquainted. 

Our coven is represented by 5 full-time reviewers, 3 Teen/Tween reviewers and 2 guest adult reviewers. What does all that mean? Well simple, the full-time reviewers, constantly read and review for you non-stop, plus interact with tours, interviews and much more. The Tween/Teen reviewers, well they review for the blog when they can during the school year and more often when they have free time during the summer. The guest adult reviewers help out when we are swamped and there is a need for timely reviews to be completed or they will send us a review when they read something on their own. Is pretty simple, right? 

So who is who: Well, our full-time reviewers start with myself, Jenny, Ana, Trudy and our newest member Tammy. Followed by our Tween/Teens reviewers Alex, Lily and our newest member Joshua and finally are our guest adult reviewers Ginny and Nori. 

This will explain the new names you will see attached to our reviews and you might ask, why so many? Well, honestly I strive to bring to you all the reviews I can in a timely manner of the latest upcoming YA, Adult or MG books. I would never be able to produce the amount of reviews you see posted on the blog every week if it just depended on my reading alone. 

We, here at Once Upon a Twilight blog, work hard to keep you, the reader up to date. In doing so, we help spread the word out from the authors and the publishing houses who graciously provide the reading material we bring to you.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to have a sharing cooperative. Look forward to reading your posts. Be well.


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