01 July 2011

Book Review: Luminous

Author: Dawn Metcalf
Pages: 304 pgs
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: June 30th 2011
Review Source: {Teen} Book Scene 
Available: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Borders

Summary: (from goodreads) As reality slips and time stands still, Consuela finds herself thrust into the world of the Flow. Removed from all she loves into this shifting world overlapping our own, Consuela quickly discovers she has the power to step out of her earthly skin and cloak herself in new ones-skins made from the world around her, crafted from water, fire, air. She is joined by other teens...

What a pretty cover Luminous has. If this was printed on a shirt or a poster, I would buy both. The cover does in a way match the story inside. When I saw the cover I thought it was going to be about butterflies, but not in the least. The art/graphic designer did a great job. 

On to my review, yes I know a 2. Its always bothers me when I have to rate a book low. When I see that its not working out for me I try and read or see what others have written about the story. I want to see if I'm missing the big picture. Luminous has great ratings and low ratings so its seems the readers are divided. I fall in the low category but I at least now I'm not alone. Luminous from the beginning just caught me off guard, the character had just been introduced and already she was doing something extraordinary. This act that the character did just happen and there was no build up or really a reason why. I was truly disturbed. 

Luminous is definitely a story that I've never read before. The idea and the world Dawn created is very intriguing. Now as intriguing as it was, it also felt very confusing and at times I just felt disconnected with the story line. I did a few times try and re-read a chapter again to see if I would grasp the story better. Sometimes it help a little but still was very confusing. 

The story is centered around Consuela, she is a teen that one day finds a bump behind her neck, that's when everything changed. Consuela figured out certain things she could do and found herself traveling to a place called "The Flow". She met very different characters there, named such as Tender and Wish and this help Consuela name herself Bones. Now Bones must understand what happen to her and if she will be able to return back home. She will learn to do the "job" she is to preform and try and save those lives that its just not their time yet. There is a bit of romance within all the weirdness throughout the book. 

Now read my review and also read a few other reviews that range in ratings before you decide if you would like to try and read Luminous. Lauren at 365 Day of Reading gave it 5 stars and Natalie at Mindful Musing gave it 3 stars. 


  1. Well, I probably won't read this book, but I do have to agree with you that it has a beautiful cover. I'm a sucker for a book with a great cover.

  2. I think that books that get mixed reviews are the ones I'm most likely to read because I feel like I have to make my mind up for myself. I really want to read this, but I think I might wait until I can buy it used or I can get it from my library.

  3. Yea I absoluty love this cover, but not sure if I am going to read it or not. I have heard more bad reviews for this and no good so far. I might still pick it up and read a little to see what i think.
    Thanks for the review.
    And your right a shirt with this on it would be awesome.
