04 July 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Today OUaT is taking a day off. We are all celebrating our nation's birthday and we hope you all our too. We hope that you enjoy today either at the beach, park or even at home. Eat plenty of hot dogs and drink gallons of fresh squeezed lemonade. Remember to be safe at night when it comes time to light the fireworks. I know many areas are going thru a drought, so be safe and don't throw any matches or cigarettes in the grass. 

OUaT will be back starting tomorrow, with a light posting schedule since I will still be on vacation and plan to be computer free. We have a a post or two scheduled for each day. I will be back home the following week and everything should go back to full speed. 

So now all that's left to do today is enjoy it.

HAPPY 4th of JULY! 


  1. I'm looking forward to spending the 4th of July here in the US of A. Particularly since I didn't have one last year. I flew out of the US on the 3rd and arrived in NZ on the 5th.

  2. Happy Independence Day!
    To the beach I go...

  3. We BBQ'd at my Mawmaw's house for lunch, then went and bought my new jacuzzi tub (WOHOO!), then Hubs did firecrackers with the girls while I watched and took pictures. It was a great day. Happy 4th!
