
Top Ten Tuesday: Books that should be required reading for Teens

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment

Top Ten Books You Believe Should Be Required Reading For Teens (contemporary, YA, adult fic, whatever you fancy)

Yara's Answers:
  • Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling - Every Teen should read this series. Its made such a impact in the book world. 
  • Crank by Ellen Hopkins - Ellen writes and teaches teens to open their eyes with her books. She captures the truth in all her books. 
  • Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer - Its the modern day take on Romeo & Juliet. These books also have made a big impact in the lives of many. 
  • The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank - This is a must be it at school or just whenever. Very inspirational to read. 
  • The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman - Its one of those books that will be mentioned year after year. 
  • Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - Its one of the banned books that every teen needs to read. The kind of book you learn from. 
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - A classic that will never grow old. Very powerful story told in a warm tone. 
  • The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins - This series was the start to the dystopian phenomena. 
I couldn't think of 2 more. So if you have any you think should be part of this list. I'd love to hear them. 


  1. Great choices! A few of ours matched up. [: I could barely limit it to ten, there are so many that I think everyone should read.

    Erin @ Let's Evaluate

    here's mine: http://letsevaluate.blogspot.com/2011/07/top-10-tuesday-1-books-that-every-teen.html

  2. Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray, it's a modern re-telling of Hamlet, she left all the names but there is a twist, Ophelia is still alive. It's a debut novel.

    The four horsemen books (Hunger and Rage) by Jackie Moorse Kessler. Very good and they deal with Anorexia and cutting.

  3. The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld

  4. The Uglies by Scott Westerfield.
    The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie.

  5. Awesome choices!!!


  6. We have a lot of the same books on our lists. I definitely think Speak deserves to be on this list.

  7. +JMJ+

    I have to differ about which book started the dystopian phenomenon. I'd go as far back as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (although I don't know whether I'd assign it for teen reading), but I'm sure some scholars will be able to name an earlier one off the top of their heads.

    And if we're going to read Twilight as the modern-day Romeo and Juliet, I hope there will be room for Shakespeare's own play, too! =)


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