Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Let see what's new in the bookish world today. 

Andrea Cremer recently released a deleted scene from Nightshade. If you are familiar with this series (which you better be) then this scene follow Calla and her pack headed to the burnout. 
CLICK HERE to read the deleted scene. Also if you didn't noticed and haven't read it yet. Andrea also released a sneak peak into the 3rd book in the series, Bloodrose. 
You can CLICK HERE to read the Bloodrose teaser. Be warned, if you haven't read Nightshade and Wolfsbane then don't read the teaser. It will contain spoilers for those who haven't. Go out and buy the series, if you haven't yet. 

Now this piece of info is for my fellow followers of J.R. Ward's series. The Black Dagger Brotherhood series is on to its 10th book. I just realized the the cover has been posted on goodreads. 
Lover Reborn
Now this cover surprises me a little. It does not follow in the pattern that the other covers have come out in. That being said we love it anyways. Now this being Tohr book, we can assume that the cover is of Tohr. 
Is it March 27th yet?

Recently the description or blurb of Beth Revis second book in her Across the Universe series was updated on goodreads and her site.
Summary: When Elder learns harrowing news about the space ship Godspeed, he and Amy must work together to unlock a puzzle that was set in motion hundreds of years earlier, all the while dealing with the romance that’s growing between them and the chaos that threatens to tear them apart. It all boils down to one mind-bending conclusion: They have to get off this ship.

What a great blurb, can't wait to read this next installment. 

So that's the latest bookish news. 

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