14 October 2011

Audiobook Review: All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin

All These Things I've Done
Birthright #1
Author: Gabrielle Zevin
Reader: Ilyana Kadushin
Reading Level: YA
Run-time: 10 Hours
Published: September 6th 2011
Review Source: Macmillan Audio
Available: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Indiebound

Summary: (from goodreads) In 2083, chocolate and coffee are illegal, paper is hard to find, water is carefully rationed, and New York City is rife with crime and poverty. And yet, for Anya Balanchine, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the city's most notorious (and dead) crime boss, life is fairly routine. It consists of going to school, taking care of her siblings and her dying grandmother, trying to avoid falling in love with the new assistant D.A.'s son, and avoiding her loser ex-boyfriend. That is until her ex is accidentally poisoned by the chocolate her family manufactures and the police think she's to blame. Suddenly, Anya finds herself thrust unwillingly into the spotlight--at school, in the news, and most importantly, within her mafia family.

 My thoughts on the audio portion first: I was surprised when I was looking for the reader's website to link it on this review that she is the reader in the Twilight audio books. Ive always heard from others that they didn't enjoy the audio books due to the reader. Well I absolutely thought the reader did a great job reading All These Things I've Done. The different pitches and ranges she did for characters and emotions throughout the book was on point for me. The male characters voices were how I thought they would sound. She has a voice that soothes you while you listen and when needed she excites you by changing her voice. My favorite voice in the book is Anya's grandmother. It has a creepy old feel to it that worked very well with the grandmother. I would strongly recommend that if you haven't read the book, that you listen to it on audio.

Now on to my review of the book and its story: What a concept for a dystopian novel. Gabrielle created a world where chocolate and coffee are illegal, can you imagine. A world with no chocolate, I would freak out. This dystopian comes with all the elements it should contain to be a dystopian and then some. I really enjoy when a author makes the book seem like a the story can be possible in the future, you don't feel like the truth is severely exaggerated.

Its 2083 and the place is New York City. We meet Anya Balanchine, your average 16 year old except her last name makes her different. Anya is the second oldest in the Balanchine family, Her parents have both been murdered. Her father was the head crime boss before he was murdered in their own home in front of Anya and her little sister. Anya mother was killed also in front of her older brother, which caused a accident that left him slight disabled. Anya's life is not a easy life, especially since she is now the acting head of the household. She has to take care of her siblings, her dying grandmother and deal with ll the issues from school. So when Anya ex-boyfriend ends up poised after eating some of the Balanchine chocolate, they come looking to Anya as the culprit. Anya must prove her innocence and still maintain her normal way of life. Then throw in not trying to fall for the assistant DA's son. Anya has many bumps and hoops to get through. Will Anya prevail or will she end up like her parents. 

You know me, I won't spoil the story, just go out there and purchase All These Things I've Done. Gabrielle brings so many different elements into this book that will please everyone who read it. You have mafia, love, murder, chocolate and even a jail set in the Statue of Liberty. I will be looking forward to listening or even reading Gabrielle next installment in the Birthright series. 


  1. I have this one in my reading pile...it sounds like a really awesome read. Great review!

  2. Oh, I love Ilyana! Loved her for the Twilight series, too, actually. The thing I didn't like about those books was the guy who reads the Jacob parts lol. Ilyana, however, is awesome. Like you said, very soothing to listen to.

  3. I just finished this book last week and i absolutely loved it! I loved all of the characters and the whole plot of the story. I would be able to survive without coffee because i don't drink it but not with out chocolate! I'm glad Annie got out of the chocolate poisoning as easily as she did i thought that she would be in jail the whole book or something! Anyways awesome review i'm glad you enjoyed the book!
