26 October 2011

Audiobook Review: The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson + Signed Audio Book Giveaway

The Fox Inheritance
Jenna Fox Chronicles #2
Author: Mary E. Pearson
Reader: Matthew Brown
Reading Level: YA
Run-Time: 9.5 Hours
Published: August 30th 2011
Review SOurce: Macmillan Audio
Available: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Indiebound

Summary: (from goodreads) Once there were three. Three friends who loved each other—Jenna, Locke, and Kara. And after a terrible accident destroyed their bodies, their three minds were kept alive, spinning in a digital netherworld. Even in that disembodied nightmare, they were still together. At least at first. When Jenna disappeared, Locke and Kara had to go on without her. Decades passed, and then centuries.

Two-hundred-and-sixty years later, they have been released at last. Given new, perfect bodies, Locke and Kara awaken to a world they know nothing about, where everyone they once knew and loved is long dead.

Everyone except Jenna Fox.

My thought on the audio portion first: This was my first audio book with a male reader. I was hoping or expecting with the male voice, I would hear more in the sense of different sounds and pitches. I actually heard the complete opposite. The male reader read in the same pattern throughout the full book. it felt a bit uniformed for me. His voice actually reminded me of a old psychology professor I had in college. Now the fact that its felt uniform might just be because most of the story is the main character's thoughts. I will say if you were going to get this book, I would probably go with the audio version. Its does help with the main character's dialogue. 

Now my review for the actual book and its story: I was nervous going in to this book without having read the first book. I thought I might be missing out critical information. SO I asked a few some notes about the first and got a outline which prepared me for this book. Just like I felt listening to the book, I felt about the book itself. The story line was OK, I didn't hate it or love it. What threw me off a bit was all the internal dialogue from the main character. Its a great portion of the book. At times I didn't know if he was talking to himself or someone. It just felt the same. The main character for being a male was a bit weak for me, I like my male POV to be strong and in charge. The story did have a few interesting surprises that kept me in the game. I think the young YA audience would enjoy the story more since its not so complexed. A character I did enjoy was Dot. She is a robot that helps Locke (the main character) out. So overall this story or series will be read by those that read the first book and loved it and need to know what happen to Jenna. 


  1. Thank you for the chance to win Ms Pearson's audio book, I've heard so many great things about The Fox Inheritance :)

  2. I've haven't listened to many audiobooks. Actually I've only listened to If i stay. Thanks for the chance.

  3. Thank you, for the chance to win this awesome aduiobook. I've just gotten into them over the last year or so and I usually listen to them in my room or whenever I'm going on trips or something like that, on my mp3 player. :)

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  4. Thank you for the chance to win this audio book.

  5. I've heard different reviews for the audio book. Yours being the OK review while the other being great... But I would like to win the audio book! Thanks!

  6. Never had an audio book before but definitely my car!

  7. I've only listened to one, The City of Bones, and it was in my car.

  8. Sounds like an awesome book to win, thank you very much!

  9. I love audio books. I listen in my car to and from work and on trips.

  10. I've only listened to one audiobook and really enjoyed it, it kinda forces you to relax and relish the book rather than speeding through it. This can be a problem since I often don't have time for them but I think they're great for roadtrips :)

  11. Audiobooks are awesome. I listen to them at home, in the car, well everywhere. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I like to listen to audio books in the car

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I absolutely am. I listen to them 8 hours a day while I work. I couldn't survive my job without something to listen to!

  15. I am a fan of audio book. I listen to them on the way to work and home. I enjoy listening to them very much. Tore923@aol.com

  16. I love audio books and have been wanting to read this! Thanks for the chance to win!


  17. I love listening to audiobooks. It gives a completely different perspective!

  18. My sister and I both listen to audio books at work since we have boring, repetitive tasks. I play mine out loud cause I'm by myself, she has to use earphones.

    I also listen to a different audio book in my car on the commute. I listen to all 30+ J.D. Robbs and it was confusing if I listen to one book in the car and another at work.

  19. I love audio books. I listen to them in my car after I drop the kids off at school and before I pick them back up. Sometimes we get ones we can listen to together as well.

  20. I have never listened to an audio book but I have heard great things about them. I've been wanting to try one though.

  21. Total must have! Loved the first book and I'm so excited to read the second.

  22. I love audio books!! I listen to them when I'm knitting and crocheting and can't hold a book in my hands :)

  23. I enjoy them for an occasional change of pace. I listen in my bedroom and in the car.

  24. I love audiobooks! I listen to them on the way to work. Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. I enjoyed The Adoration of Jenna Fox and I'm excited to read this sequel!

    TaraTagli at gmail dot com

  26. I loved the first Jenna Fox book and I was so bummed that there wasn't a sequel out yet. Then bam! Fast forward 6 months and it's all over the blogosphere. :) Thanks for the chance to win the audiobooks!

    Sarah L
    two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

  27. I love audio tapes, I recently got hooked on them. I listen to them where ever is convenient at the time:)
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com
