03 October 2011

Austin Teen Book Festival Recap!

Hi everyone, this past Saturday I attend the Austin Teen Book festival with a few TX bloggers and my mom. We started off the day carpooling to Austin. Sabrina from YABliss blog and Christin from Portrait of a Book blog came along in the car ride. We arrived 30 mins before it started and immediately took our seats to hear Scott Westerfeld, he was the keynote speaker for the festival. They introduced all the authors and then Scott began. 

Author Line-up: Scott Westerfeld - Heather Brewer - Jenny Han - Coe Booth - David Levithan - Maureen Johnson - Jackson Pearce - Alyson Noel - Gabrielle Zevin - Margo Rabb - Mary Pearson - Jessica Brody - Cristina Garcia - Simone Elkeles - Stephanie Perkins - Jennifer Ziegler - Christina Mandelski - Varian Johnson - John Corey Whaley - Melissa Walker - Geoff Herbach - Tera Lynn Childs - Sophie Jordan - Andrea Cremer - Jonathan Maberry - Brian Yansky - Cynthia Leitich SmithRosemary Clement-Moore

After the keynote speaker finished then began the panels. You had a choice of picking 3 of 5 panels to attend. The first panel attended was I Heart Love Stories with Christina Garcia, Jennifer Ziegler, Jenny Han, Christina Mandelski, Stephanie Perkins and Simone Elkeles. This was such a fun panel. I tweeted tons of information that the authors mentioned. Now it was time to break for lunch and then come back for the second panel. 

The second panel I attend was Pen Fatale with Margo Rabb, Alyson Noel, Mary E. Pearson, Jessica Brody and Gabrielle Zevin. Alexandra Adornetto didn't make it.  This panel I caught a little late, since lunch took forever to get and eat. It was great listening to the authors. 

The third panel I was planning to attend and left for last was the Supernatural Suspense with Andrea Cremer, Sophie Jordan , Tera Lynn Childs, Jackson Pearce, Heather Brewer and Cynthia Leitich-Smith. Thsi panel was cancelled due to sound issues in the hall where the panel were. So I was bummed I missed the one I was looking forward to the most. I then decided to head over to Alternaworlds panel with Rosemary Clement-Moore, Brain Yansky, Jonathan Maberry, Scott Westerfeld and Maureen Johnson. I had a hard time hearing them clearly but what I did hear was good. Its was fun to see all the kids dressed up in their steampunk outfits. 

Now it was time to make our way over to the signing lines, which were a mile long each. I think their was a tie between Heather Brewer and Scott Westerfeld on who had the longest line. I also volunteer for 30 mins at the swag table. I gave out some fun Angel Burn bags and Sweetest Things lollipops. SO my mom started making the line for me while I finished my duties. I was able to get all my books signed and even got a few great pictures with my favorite authors. 

I'm excited to go again next year. If you would like to see all the pictures I took on Saturday, head over to our facebook page. Ive uploaded all of them. Thanks for reading. 

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