28 October 2011

Blog Tour: Smokeless Fire Character Book Picks + Mega Giveaway

Here at OUaT we are pleased to be the blog where the Smokeless Fire Blog Tour ends. We are fans of Samantha Young and we are super excited to be a part of the tour. Today Samantha shared with us the books that her characters from Smokeless Fire would pic to read. Of course that's not all, since we are the final stop of the tour. We are going out with a bang. Wait until you read the wonderful MEGA giveaway Samantha has in store for you. You can catch the full blog tour HERE.

Samantha Young Links: Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads

Smokeless Fire Character Book Picks:


Favorite Genre: My favorite genre I guess has to be dystopian… yeah dystopian.

Top Five Favorite Books: Uhhh… let me think. OK… 1. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood 2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling 3.1984 by George Orwell 4. Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood 5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Favorite Author: Margaret Atwood


Favorite Genre: Thriller/Horror/Satire – I don’t really have one favorite genre.

Top Five Favorite Books: Top five? That’s pretty hard to narrow down. I’ll say… 1. Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik 2. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis 3. Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis 4. Bad Men by John Connolly 5. The Shining by Stephen King.

Favorite Author: Bret Easton Ellis


Favorite Genre: Science Fiction.

Top Five Favorite Books: 1. The War of the World by H.G. Wells 2. Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. 3. Hyperion by Dan Simmons 4. Treason by Orson Scott Card 5. The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham Favorite Author: Orson Scott Card.

Those characters have great taste in books. Thank you to Samantha for including us in her tour. Now are you ready for the MEGA giveaway Samantha has in store for 4 winners. One will win the mega prize and 3 runner ups will win a ebook copy of Smokeless Fire. 

Mega Giveaway:
  1. Copy of Smokeless Fire
  2. Smokeless Fire Swag
  3. Signed copies from The Tale of Lunarmorte series (Moon Spell, River Cast & Blood Solstice)
  4. Samantha's Favorite Fall picks: Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies, The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamiliton & Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon (via amazon).
3 runner up's will each receive a ebook copy of Smokeless Fire. 

There you have it readers, that a mighty fine offer you have their from Samantha. 

To Enter:
  • Fill out this FORM
  • Giveaway runs till the end of the tour November 11th 
  • No Po Boxes
  • Open Internationally 
  • Read our Giveaway policy HERE


  1. Hi OuaT, the post states that the giveaway is open internationally, but the form says US only. So...which is it?:D

  2. Oh that Ari is so indecisive!

    And I knew I loved Charlie for a reason. He has the BEST book picks of the bunch!

    Good choices Charlie! :)

  3. The entry form for the Smokeless Fire giveaway was a little hard to understand, I hope I put all my info in the proper places! Thanks for doing this giveaway! Your blog is lovely!

  4. Amazing giveaway from an awesome author. I loved the Warriors of Ankh so far and I can't wait to read more from Samantha Young. Thanks so much for participating in the tour.

  5. Thank you for the generous giveaway!!


  6. Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)

  7. ooh hope it's international as it says on the post and thanks for this!!

  8. I've already added Smokeless Fire to my wishlist! It sounds awesome and I love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. What a treat of a giveaway. I was just over enjoying your review and it said to hop over here. Thank you for the awesome giveaway opportunity.

  10. Hi OUaT, Thank you soooooo much for posting this giveaway. However, i was wondering wwhat you mean by 'extra entries' in the form? is it like another website that we follow you on? thank you :)

  11. Thanks for the opportunity at such an amazing prize! Huge fan of Sam!
