13 October 2011

Book Review: Illusions by Aprilynne Pike

Wings #3
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Pages: 375 hardcover
Reading Level: YA
Published: April 28th 2011
Review Source: Library
Available: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Indiebound

Summary: (from goodreads) Laurel hasn't seen Tamani since she begged him to let her go last year. Though her heart still aches, Laurel is confident that David was the right choice.
But just as life is returning to normal, Laurel discovers that a hidden enemy lies in wait. Once again, Laurel must turn to Tamani to protect and guide her, for the danger that now threatens Avalon is one that no faerie thought would ever be possible. And for the first time, Laurel cannot be sure that her side will prevail.

I went into this book thinking this was the end of the trilogy, and I was extremely surprised at the end of the book. I'll say this right off the bat--huge cliffhanger!!!

I liked how Tam joined Laurel and David in high school in this book! Although, it did cause problems for David and his relationship with Laurel. She seemed to be pulled between both of them and her love for each of them...again. I liked how David and Tam both fought for what they wanted (Laurel), and I still wonder how it will really turn out in the end. Laurel frustrated me at times with her wishy-washiness about her feelings between the two of them. I think it is cool that David, Chelsea and Laurel's parents know about Laurel's "true" identity so that she can be real around them and not hide anything anymore.

There were lots of twists and turns in this book. I really liked learning a little more about Shar and other Fae, and the introduction of new character, Yuki. I wish they would have spent more time in Avalon, but was happy that they visited there at least once. There was also lots of kissing and emotion in this book-happy, sad, tears and laughter. I can't wait to see what happens in the next one!!


  1. Thank you for the review, I was wondering if the third book in the series was good or not.

  2. I'm trying to decide whether I feel like what the heck? or jumping up and down for joy that the series won't be over. I'm leaning towards being thrilled it won't be over. Now I have to find this to read. Thanks for the review, I can't wait to read it!

  3. I can't believe the series is almost over! The ending was such a huge cliffhanger and Laurel's wishy-washy? Ughhhh!
