27 October 2011

Halloween Booktacular Day 5!

Welcome back to day 4 of Halloween Booktacular. OUaT has teamed up with Good Choice ReadingRead My MindAn Avid Reader's MusingsSkyla11377Books With Bite and Dark Readers. The Halloween Booktacular will run from October 24th until October 31st. Each blog participating will have different post and giveaways going on, so you want to make sure you visit each one of us daily during the celebration.

Today on day 5 of the Halloween Booktacular, Author Jennifer DeLucy wrote a special Halloween post for you all to enjoy. Then Thanks to the wonderful Omnific Publishing we have 1 ebook set of Jennifer's Light Series. So you'll get Seers of Light (book 1) and  Whispers of Light (book 2) from the series. If your not familiar with Jennifer's writing then your in for a real treat.

Halloween was kind of a makeshift event for me, growing up. We didn't have much money, and my grandmother, who I lived with as a kid, wasn't one to really celebrate the holiday, so, I had to improvise costumes for myself, and then, later, for my younger brother and sister, as well.

I adored Halloween, though. It was particularly grand to me, because it was a holiday of pretend. I could be anyone and anything my imagination could muster--and household supplies would allow. And I valued imaginative escapes more than anything.

For several years I went through this phase where I wanted to be was a princess. I would research, scan the school library obsessively for princess books to try and replicate what I saw there, and let me just tell you that pointy cone hats are a lot harder for a six-year-old to make than you'd think. Also, my attempts to replicate a Cinderella-esque hoop skirt by layering a dozen skirts underneath each other only ended in heartache.

In spite of my great love for it, by the age of eleven, I'd, apparently (and when I think about it...quite stupidly) decided that I was too old for all this Halloween business. It was time to move past childish things. *eyeroll* However, I could vicariously live through my younger siblings, since I was the only sort of parental figure interested in giving them a Halloween to begin with.

Enter my brother, John, and the Mummy Fiasco of 1990-something. Before I go on, I will ask that you give me some credit here, because, in theory, my idea was brilliant -- in application, however, you could say it sucked. Let me explain. I'd gotten it into my head that it would be a fabulous idea to use rolls of toilet paper to create a mummy costume, so, I got out the masking tape and TP and I rolled and rolled poor John until the kid looked stiff enough to crack in half.

The rest of the night was a rapid degeneration that involved TP streamers and by Halloween's end, John looked more like a brow-beaten pinata than a mummy. But, ah, the memories.

And you don't honestly think I'd allow my brother and sister to take all the treasure, do you? After all, I worked hard on those horrific home-made costumes. I was going to share in the spoils. Thus would begin the post-trick-or-treating crookery--er--candy trade sessions that somehow ended with my obtaining a good selection of their chocolate earnings after uptrading and (please bear in mind that I had absolutely no candy to begin with).

Impressive, huh?

John or Katie, if you're reading this, I'm sure I owe you some Snicker's Bars.

Happy Halloween, guys!

Jen DeLucy

Oh Jennifer, that is too funny about your brother. I can't believe you don't have a picture to share with us. If youtube existed back then, you would have had a a hit on your hands.  Thank you Jennifer for sharing with us today your costume story. 

Thank you to Omnific Publishing for once again. You can read a interview with Jennifer on Omnific's website HERE. To learn more about Jennifer and her books, visit her website.


  1. I've only really dressed up twice coz I was already 14 when I got to the U.S. so I don't really have a costume gone bad.. But I didn't have a costume I really loved either.

  2. Well, I do remember making all of my costumes when I was young with my mom. But I don't remember one I didn't like or wasn't great! I was a unicorn one year, and the Grim Reaper another. I was Sirius Black in dog form for another Halloween. Then I was a royal blue dragon with a seven foot wingspan. I've been a female Zorro, a vampire, a pirate, a princess, and I think most recently, a very detailed pirate princess. This year, I just don't know yet. I'm thinking coat and tails fancy though. Not sure. I can't go and buy anything for it, I'll just be making it up from what I've got. Maybe I'll be a cat girl. :)

  3. I dont' really have a good "bad costume" story. But I do need a costume by tomorrow night! And I have NO IDEA what I'm going to be. o_O

  4. When I was 12 my younger brother and I dressed up as Al Borland and Tim Taylor from Home Improvement. My mom painted a beard on my face and used costume putty to stick nails and things to my brother's face and arms. Unfortunately, halfway through our trick or treating it began to downpour! Let's just say the painted on beard ran away....what a mess!

  5. I had a Bad-A** costume. I went as Tonya Harding and my best friend went as Nancy Kerrigan. We wore roller skates and recital outfits, she had bandage on her knee and I carried a baseball bat. All of the parents loved us.

  6. I always go as a gypsy....my mom made me the costume and I adore it =) edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

  7. I have never had a bad costume. We got what we could afford. Tore923@aol.com

  8. I haven't had any terrible costumes, but when I was younger I was a witch for four years straight!

  9. I haven't had any bad costumes.. so i don't have a story :s

  10. I havent as mine were always pretty simple.
