29 October 2011

Halloween Booktacular Day 7!

Welcome back to day 4 of Halloween Booktacular. OUaT has teamed up with Good Choice Reading, Read My Mind, An Avid Reader's Musings, Skyla11377, Books With Bite and Dark Readers. The Halloween Booktacular will run from October 24th until October 31st. Each blog participating will have different post and giveaways going on, so you want to make sure you visit each one of us daily during the celebration.

Welcome to back to day 7 of the Halloween Booktacular, I hope you all are enjoying this event. Today's Revolution Publishing asked one of their own authors to share with us something about Halloween. They also will be awarding 1 lucky reader with copies (ebook or print) from Author Cesya MaRae Cuono and Renee Ahdieh of their debut titles. Cesya s the author of Elemental Reality and Renee is the author of Fanfare. Today Cesya shares with us her halloween story.

Tis the season to be scary! Muah hahahaha haha ha ha! Okay, I swear I didn’t just have a BFC of Monster I’m just overly hyper. Halloween is my favorite time of the year! Not just because of the scariness of the season but because of the creativity behind it. In my opinion, I believe Halloween is the one holiday people allow their creativity to shine. Let’s take a walk down memory lane . . . my memory lane.

Year: 2006. Age: 19. Location: Coconut Grove, Florida. Costume: Graveyard Fairy. This is the first year I was on my own. I moved to Florida for school and was starting to transform from preppy high school senior to punk rock princess. I wanted an awesome costume to show off my punk side but having dark brown hair with blonde highlights wasn’t helping the matter. So to help my costume along, I bought 4” platform boots from Hot Topic and black fishnets. I thought I was the coolest person ever. I look back on those pictures and just shake my head at myself. It would have been a great costume if I had the hair and the makeup to match but that year I fell short of perfecting it.

Year: 2007. Age: 20. Location: Home. Schoentown, Pennsylvania. Costume: Punk Rock Princess (homemade). Yes, I did own all those clothes. And my hair was so awesome back then! It was black, as you can see, with blonde underneath. But that blonde accidentally turned silver and on the left side there was a navy blue streak. I used blue-black hair dye on the top and it leaked into the blonde. Then to give my hair a more punky effect, I added some pink hair extensions to the side, which you can see in the picture. The black shirt was ripped to shreds on the front and back and the skirt was ripped up on the left side. The crown is real. I won it when I was a baby and used to participate in baby pageants. That was my first place prize. Oh if those judges could have seen me that day!

Year: 2008. Age: 21. Location: Club 18. Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Costume: Myself. The guy I was dating at this time wasn’t big on Halloween. Or drinking. I don’t actually have a picture from that Halloween but the one that’s here is from that November. It’s of me and my best friend. She moved away to Alaska because her husband is stationed there but I get to see her in 2 months! Anyway, back to Halloween. So, my boyfriend, me, my friend Tara, and her boyfriend are sitting at a table in Club 18 (dive bar) and just talking. We got bored, went back to Tara’s house, and watched some scary movies. It was one of the worst Halloween’s ever. Needless to say the relationship with my boyfriend didn’t last and that’s why I now call him my ex.

Year: 2009. Age: 22. Location: The Roundhouse. Saint Clair, Pennsylvania. Costume: Cheerleader. This was a drastic change in my costume choice. And a drastic change in my hair. As you can see I no longer have the black tresses anymore. And yes, that is Edward Cullen in the picture with me but he took a sexy cat girl instead of Bella. I think being a cheerleader that year for Halloween was the most fun I’ve ever had. So much happened that night. And according to my friend, we took numerous amounts of pictures in the bathroom that night. Apparently, that was our signature picture spot. We weren’t drunk. Nope. Not us. I think there was a girl scout at the bar that night too because I remember having girl scout cookies in my “varsity jacket” pockets after we left the bar. Hmm. I wonder what else happened that night that I don’t remember.

Year: 2010. Age: 23. Location. Tara’s House. Schoentown, Pennsylvania. Costume: Mosh Pitter a.k.a. the girl who got into a fight. This costume was the best idea I’ve ever had! It let my inner makeup artist show herself (yes, I’m a certified makeup artist too). I was all pumped about dressing up like this. It’s the only thing I was talking about at work that day. The minute I got home I scrambled to get dressed. Then came the makeup application. I didn’t have the right colors for a black eye! So I improvised. Using everything I had, I created my look. I even had the bloodied knuckles from the “fight.” I had scraped up bruise on the left side of my face but you can’t see it in this picture. And my teeth were bloody but that washed off before I even got to the party. It was awesome because when I walked into the house the people there thought it was all real. Ha!

This year I was going to go as a zombie but I didn’t get the makeup I needed in time and now if I order it, it’ll get here too late. So I hope you all enjoyed my guest post down memory lane. I know I did! I have safe and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Thank you to Cesya for sharing with us today, those pictures are great. Thank you to jennifer at Revolution Publishing.


  1. Mary DeBorde [M.A.D.]

    Your Halloween pictures are awesome! Isn't it nice for family & friends to commerate their times together with happy pictures to look back on over the years?! Thanks for sharing yours :D

  2. Our tradition is to sit outside with the dog to hand out Halloween candy no matter the temp.

  3. We dress up and hand out candy to the kids, sometimes we trick or treat to (on that line of too old and young enough)

  4. Nope no traditions for this month for me. Maybe a little planning for the upcoming holiday season, but that's about it.

    Thanks for the great giveaway & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


  5. I have one but it is a bit lame. When I was kid my grandma and I made a Halloween shirt together. It is so faded and holey now! But magically it still fits, so every year I make sure I wear it on Halloween.

  6. No traditions...but we usually always have a pumpkin and have a halloween party! But not this year :(

  7. Sadly no traditions. Although I wish we did. Maybe I should start one.

  8. I don't have any Halloween traditions. We just hand out candy.

  9. no traditions for this month for my family... at least not until my son turns maybe around 4-5 yrs old when he starts bugging for costumes and candy =) I guess you can count us in carving pumpkins yearly =)

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!
    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads

  10. I love fall and the changing of the color of the leaves.
