30 November 2011

Blog Tour: Obsidian Author Jennifer L. Armentrout Interview

We are happy to bring you a great interview from a very talented author. Jennifer L. Armentrout is the author of the Lux series and Covenant series. I have read the first book in both series and LOVE them. Today we dive into Obsidian, the first novel in the Lux series. 

Jennifer L. Armentrout Links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

OUaT: Welcome Jennifer to OUaT, I loved Obsidian. When and how did the idea for Obsidian happen?

Thanks for having me! The idea was a spur of a moment thing with my editor at Entangled. She jokingly said that since I could write a book in a week (which isn't necessarily true) if I had any ideas stewing around about aliens in high school. I sort of laughed at first, but then the idea spun off from there and here we are. So it wasn't a planned one, kind of a spur of moment when I had some downtime in writing. Worked out perfectly.

OUaT: Obsidian has to do with beings from another world, what was harder to write? Aliens or Greek Gods?

Greek Gods, because there is SO MUCH out there about the gods that you find yourself pigeon holed, so I really wanted to do something completely different than the typical myths. Aliens were easier, because there's not much out there, if that makes sense.

OUaT: What are you currently working on right now? When can we expect book 2 in the Lux series?

I just finished a YA contemporary mystery/thriller, a novella from Aiden's POV and I'm currently working on a novella from the Obsidian world. Onyx, book 2, will be available in May 2012,

OUaT: What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

Probably Chapter 26. Once you read, you'll know why.

OUaT: If you had to do it all over-again, would you change anything in any of your books?

There is always things you want to change, tweak and get rid of right up to the proof pages in every book, but there comes a time when you have to let it go.

OUaT: What are your comfort books, books you can read again and again, that foster and rekindle your desire to write?

A lot of old school YA (think LJ Smith and Ritchie Cusick) and I love a good adult romance. Those I can read again and again.

OUaT: How long does it take you to write a book?

Anywhere from 8 days to a month for first draft. Then I let it sit for awhile unless I'm on a deadline, but if not, tack on about another month for revisions.

OUaT: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

I don't ever write with a message intended, because readers interpret their own messages.

OUaT: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?

I always want to go back to my characters, lol. It's hard to let them go. And I have tons of ideas. It's kind of crazy.

OUaT: Tell us your latest news?

Well, I'm getting ready to write the last book in two series, so there's a little pressure. And they'll be taking up most of my time for the foreseeable future. I think everyone soon will find out which characters are going to have their novella in the Obsidian world. And hopefully I will have some other exciting book news to share soon. :)

Thank you Jennifer for those great answers. I can't wait to dive back in to both series. Readers you can read all my current reviews for Jennifer by clicking HERE


  1. Great interview...wow, she's like a machine with all that writing going on! I love reading these interviews...they're so inspirational and help keep me motivated, so thanks you guys!

  2. Great interview! Jennifer is amazing -- it kinda blows my mind LOL I'm hoping that reading her books and hanging with her in the social media world will leak some of that crazy mojo onto me. Hey a girl can dream, right? :-)

  3. Yow! You can write a book in a week??? *boggle*

    Okay now I feel like a slacker! LOL

    Congratulations on the new release!!! I've heard great things about this book... :)


  4. Holy geez a week!? Wow you are superwoman!!

    Xpresso Reads
