Come read what's happening in the bookish world.
Let's start off with a cover release for Dreamless by Josephine Angelini. This is the second book in the Starcrossed Series. I absolutely loved Starcrossed and I'm excited about Dreamless. Dreamless cover is gorgeous just like Starcrossed cover was. The team at Harper did a great job again.
You can read all about the cover reveal on Josephine's blog HERE. Dreamless is set to release May 29th 2012 from HarperTEEN. You can pre-order Dreamless HERE
Now on to other news, or more of a announcement. If you follow me on twitter or Facebook then you should be aware of this already. On November 8th I (Yara) will be traveling once again to Los Angles to experience the Breaking Dawn Part 1 Red Carpet. What this means for the blog, is that things might be a little slower. The post while I'm away will all be scheduled before I leave on my trip, and will be a review or two a day. I didn't schedule any blog tours or special post while I'm away. I will have very limited Internet and won't be around a computer.
(I'm sitting above the green umbrella on the bottom left corner)
Now you'll want to make sure your following Twitter and Facebook, because I will be tweeting and posting pictures of my weeks experience in LA for Breaking Dawn. I will be in Tent City camping until the day of the premier on the Monday the 14th. So keep you fingers crossed for me, that I get a great spot like last year for Eclipse. I'm super excited for my trip. While I'm there also I will get to see Monica that reviews for me too, she lives in California and will also be attending the Red Carpet Tent city event. So if you like in LA or nearby come visit us while were there.
Back in September I hosted the blog tour for Lani Woodland's Indelible book. Indelible is the second in her Yara Silva trilogy. Indelible was due to release on September 27th but there was a issue with the print copies. So it was only available in ebook format. Well today Im glad to inform you all that Indelible is now available to be purchased in hardcover.
This series is really worth the buy. You can read my reviews for both books in the series by clicking HERE.
Oooh! Love the dreamless cover. Have fun in LA!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely can't wait for Tent City, yara! :)