24 January 2012

Blog Tour: Between by Mary Ting Character Interview

Sorry for the late post for this great blog tour to celebrate Mary Ting´s next book in her series Between. I was scheduled to write a rview today with the character interview. Most of you know Ive lost my home to a fire this weekend and Im living at a hotel with few resources to get on the internet. I will try later to post the review or this week sometime. I dont want to post anything that I cant give it my all. So here is the interview. I hope you all enjoy reading it.

OUaT: Hello everyone and Thank you for stopping by today to answer some of our questions. So we will start with Micheal, Micheal besides being around Claudia what else do you like to do to make time pass by?

There are many things that I do to make time pass by. Davin and I like to practice sword fighting. I spend time with Alexa Rose and other alkins. I also enjoying oil painting, reading various types of books and learn how to play different instruments.

OUaT: So now this question is for Austin, Can you tell us 3 things we might not know about you?

I enjoy watching all kinds of sports. My favorite team is the Los Angeles Lakers. My favorite color is black. Hmmm… one more… I love my car. “Chuckle”

OUaT: Claudia you have had some great times with Micheal, what would you like your next adventure with Micheal to be or go?

I would love for Michael and me to spend some quality time together and really get to know each other. Michael has a beautiful heart. That is one of the qualities I love about him beside the romantic side of him. “Blush”

OUaT: Claudia if you were to be given the chance to have wings, how would you choose them to look and feel?

I would want them to be and feel just like Michael’s- soft like fine silk, warm as the goose down comforter and grand in a shape of a heart.

OUaT: Now if each of you could tell us which book you would choose as your favorite that you have read?

Michael: The Great Gatsy
Austin: Sorry, I don’t read.
Claudia: Twilight

Michael says, “Thanks for having us on your blog.” Austin says,” Huh…same here.” Claudia giggles. “Thank you. It was fun.”

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, just as I expected the three. Of course Michael would pick the Great Gatsby. Loving the three.
