07 January 2012

Book Review: A Deadly Penance by Maureen Ash

A Deadly Penance
Templar Knight Mystery #6
Author: Maureen Ash
Reading Level: Adult
Pages: 288 Paperback
Published: November 1st 2011
Review Source: Berkley
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) A new Templar Knight mystery from the author who "masterfully creates a medieval world full of rich historic detail." (National bestselling author Victoria Thompson)

Templar Bascot de Marins is summoned to Lincoln Castle to learn who murdered a servant engaged in an illicit affair with a married woman. Even though the jealous husband had a motive, Bascot's investigation uncovers a more shocking revelation about the victim that would give him any number of potential enemies...

A fascinating combination of a historical and detective tale in the British medieval era. The details of the era are told in a way very true to the times without overburdening the plot of the story. A seemingly unconceivable murder is found in the castle, where heavy security was to be in place and to solve it they need help. Bascot de Marins, a templar who has solved other difficult cases before is brought in to help unravel the mystery behind it all. In doing so, old secrets are brought forth to finally surprisingly discover whodunit was mostly unexpected. The different turns and clues will keep you guessing trying to solve it only to find that there are more layers to it.

A great read for those that like detective mystery solving tales and an additional plus for those of us that like historical as well.

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