16 January 2012

The Forbidden Book Club: Looking for Alaska - Day 1 Discussion

January's Host:  Once Upon a Twilight (that's us)
January's Posts: Click Here

Hey everyone!!! So glad to be hosting this month's book club pick. We are reading Looking for Alaska by John Green. So let the discussing begin!

This discussion concentrates up until the we reach the part that says "One Hundred Twenty-Six Days Before."  I am reading a hardcover and that part is on pg. 29. So before I get deep into the book, I just want to say I had never heard of this book before until now. So this means I enter it with a clean slate. Our last book we knew tons about it before we even began reading it. So I'm excited to discuss a book that is new to me in all its essence.

Summary: It rare that a book in the first 20-30 pages will give enough content that you are stoked for it. That being said Looking for Alaska starts off introducing the BEFORE gray page at the beginning. This has me curious already, because its before what?? What are we now counting down too. I have no clue, is it the destruction of the character or is the world ending? I guess as we continue to read we will begin to get a clue maybe?

We meet Miles Halter, who later a few pages in will become "Pudge" (<~~~ Not a fan of that name BTW). Miles is your less than ordinary student in high school about to begin his junior year. Miles has decided he wants to go to boarding school in Alabama away from his public school life in Florida. How do I feel bout Miles already, well I think he is a bit depressed and running from something? maybe. The fact that his parents threw him a going away party and no body really showed up, this just makes me think, that Miles might be a bit emo? I remember high school ad yes their are clicks you belong too. You have jocks, nerds, drama and rockers. Those were some of the groups in my school long time ago (I'm not saying how long ago, lol). Even though if you belong to the lowest of the low in terms of popularity. You have friends within your groups. So the nerd can have friends, so the fact that Miles had none, it makes me wonder what is really up with him. Even though he says its because of what he read in a book that he is leaving, I want to peel away more layers because something else feels like the motive.

Speaking of books, miles tells his dad he is choosing to leave to boarding school because of a line he read in a famous book. Miles only reads biographies and loves to memorizes the final words of that author or famous person. Creepy? I think just a tad. So Miles reads to his family that line from the book "I go to seek a Great Perhaps." from poet "Francois Rabelais". I do like that line from the poet's biography, but I still stay their is more to Miles leaving that that line.

Finally Miles has made it to the boarding school in Alabama, and its probably as hot or hotter than Florida. OK I'm from Florida and I think Florida had to be hotter than Alabama, just saying! Miles folks help him move in and his dad even brought some biographies for Miles so he could read while in school. They finally leave and Miles is finally all alone. He now has to wait for his roommate to arrive. Which when he does Miles meets him in a towel after coming out of the shower. Cracks me up every time Miles is describing his showers. I don't know what it feels like to be 6 feet tall but its sounds uncomfortable. So we finally meet all 5 feet of stocky Chip Martin aka "Colonel". Why does this paring sound like a really bad idea. You have the short cocky guy and the emo tall guy and together, not sure what kind of mix it will make. So when Miles begins to follow Chip's lead, I'm not surprise. Smoking, I'm not a smoker and so I'm not a fan of it. The fact that kids always end up smoking, doesn't make sense. Why would you like something burning your throat that smells bad and makes your teeth turn yellow then in the long run gives you cancer? anyone? Buehler? OK back to the story so "Colonel" and "Pudge" go and see Alaska. Miles is completely dumb struck with her beauty. Alaska also sounds like their is something hiding inside, waiting to leap out. She sounds fun and wild and she is the one who sells the cigarettes on campus. They seems to get along OK the 3 of them.

Let me tell you I'm was laughing at the whole part of Miles and the "befriedo" experience which is describe as a culinary orgasm. After reading all that was said about the befriedo, tell me you don't want to eat one, i know I did. So from Befriedo we jump to Miles getting kidnapped out of his room in the middle of the night in his boxers by 3 people. Colonel says to go with it and Miles does, he is assuming its some kind of prank for being new. Well that prank escalates into getting tied up with duct tape all over his body like a mummy, then being thrown into the lake. We know that Kevin tells Miles he shouldn't hang with the Colonel and that's why this is happening to him. So OK, I started freaking out at this point going, is this kid going to die, I know nothing of this book to even figure it out. Of course since Miles is the main character, he can't die. Miles is able to somehow float and swim to shore all tied up like he is. OK anyone else sees this a bit impossible? I don't float when I'm in the water. Haven't since I was a little kid. So if this was me in the lake all tied up with duct tape, I would be dead at the bottom. So Miles visits Alaska after the prank and she basically shrugs him off and he gets pissed and goes back to his room and wakes up Colonel in the process. Colonel gets mad when he finds out it was more than the usual prank of just throwing someone in the water in their underwear. He says they will get back at them. Th one rule though that Miles must follow is never, no matter what can you rat someone out. that is the one code everyone at the school lives by.

So that's were we reach the end of the first section we read. I'm super curious about this story, I will try and read the section mentioned each time. Not like I read Forbidden in one sitting. Let me know if I discussed to much or what I should mentioned more or less of. I'm trying hard to follow in the awesome Andye's footsteps.

Next meet up will be on Friday January 20th right back here. I will have the post scheduled and ready since Friday I leave to Dallas for ALA midwinter. We will be reading up until the section "FIFTY-TWO DAYS BEFORE" (Pg. 80 hardcover). Make sure you don't skip ahead and make notes so you remember what to discuss. Remember on twitter we are using the hashtag #ForbiddenBookClub for all things mentions or discussions on twitter. Then on Reading Teen, you can find the post that contains buttons and the sign up for the yahoo email group by clicking HERE.


  1. I think it is too early into the book for me to tell if I'm going to like this one or not. I've always been on the fence about reading it whereas with Forbidden I knew I wanted to read it. So I guess my attitude going into this book is a little different from the first book we all read together.

    I guess I shall just have to wait and see if the characters grow on me because right now they are just sort of sitting there on the page.

    I hope everyone else is enjoying the book so far. Can't wait for the next discussion. :)

    1. I like how you worded that "right now they are just sort of sitting there on the page".

    2. Lol thanks!
      That is just how I feel right now. None of them are standing out to me, they feel very flat. I do hope that changes as the novel goes on though.

    3. I hope you start to like them Alexa. I am really enjoying the 34 pages so far. Well, the book better then last month that's for sure!! ;-)

    4. Alexa, I feel kind of the same way.

    5. I loved the last book even though it broke our hearts

  2. I'm actually liking Miles. I think he's probably smarter than he lets on, but he is certainly socially inept (but then I'm no social butterfly myself so I can relate to him). Alaska is the one I'm not too sure about. I don't really have a a good fix on her yet. One thing I do know, it makes me glad I never went to boarding school.


    1. Yes Im also glad I never attended a boarding school. Ive read multiple books with boarding schools and none were a great place to attend.

  3. The beginning of the novel starts off with a very direct description of who Miles is. He references his life as minor, which quickly allows me to make the assumption that he isn’t a part of the popular group and doesn’t think very highly of himself. You bring up a good question Yara, in regards to the count down. This is something that is rarely used in lue of chapter numbers. For me I feel that the author is foreshadowing towards something that is either going to be great for Miles or not. With 180 days in school, it looks like it might even occur before he finishes a full year at Culver Creek. I’m thinking, I’m going to take the proactive stand and prepare myself for another emotional ending. Oh yeah…the whole hazing episode, or whatever it ends up being, I totally didn’t understand how he could’ve survived that with no help. This could be a sign that maybe Miles will be an ultimate survivor…who knows…

    1. you think its about him surviving, hmmm dont get that yet. Let see next group of pages.

  4. I think we are thinking alike as far as preparing for the worse. Lets hope its not as depressing as the last book.

  5. I'm not too sure how I feel about this book. I hadn't even read a description when I started it (I assumed it had *something* to do with Alaska...the state). For me, I don't see much of a plot other than figuring out "who ratted on the two kids. Bum bum bum!" It seems slow to me..but it's set in Alabama, so it's kinda what you'd expect.

    My guess: Alaska did it. I'm thinking she's either going to go missing, or die and Miles is going to try to solve that mystery. (when the "event" happens)

    1. its funny I also thought it was about the state of Alaska

  6. I'm loving it already. I'm already in love with John Green's writing style (this is a first John Green book for me) and I had to make myself stop reading.

    One of my favorite things is sarcastic, quippy characters, and this book already has them in spades. I also tend to usually love the boarding school setting, so that's a plus.

    Since I never read the synopsis or anything about the book (only went on the title/cover) I was pleasantly surprised to find we weren't reading about a trip through the Alaskan wilderness. ;)

    I REALLY wanted bufriedo!!!

    1. Me & you both. When I text-ed you earlier. We both thought that about Alaska! That is what we get!! =) I am with you! I am really enjoying it, as we both was in the not liking it boat last month ;)

  7. Its funny because Dani that comment above and myself also thought it was about the state.


  8. For me I am loving this book so far. I really like the mail character Miles. I have snickered a couple times at little comments he has made.
    "I inhaled. Coughed. Wheezed. Gasped for breath. Coughed again. Considered vomiting. Grabbed the swing bench, head spinning, and threw the cigarette to the ground and stomped it, convinced my Great Perhaps did not involve cigarettes. "
    I am really liking John Green's writing style also. I have never read a book by John Green . I had never even read the back of the book (still). So, I figured the book was about, a journey to look for Alaska... like, ALASKA the state! ;)
    Glad this is the book this month as last month, that book was, different ;-)

  9. I don't think I really have an opinion of the book yet. I tend to agree with Alexa, feeling like nothing much is happening yet. I like Miles, but I HATE the name Pudge. HATE IT!! And so far, I don't like Alaska at all! What is it with guys, falling for these crass, damaged girls? I don't get it.

    The part that did really get to me was the hazing. I was furious about that, and am looking forward to vengeance in the future. I didn't have an issue w/ him floating like that because I've never had trouble floating, and my daughter has always been a floater, since she was 3. I think some people just float. haha

    I've very curious to know what the "before" is referring to also! I'm excited to read a little further and really see what this story is about.

    1. LOL Andye, I am a "not-so-small" girl and I float too! Always have! My husband on the other hand, sinks. Poor guy, it's like he has lead weights in his feet!!

    2. I'm with you Andye, I want to read more before I start to decide how I feel about this one. I know I instantly liked Forbidden when we read it but I think this one will have to grow on me and who knows if it ever will. Being only 30 pages in makes it hard to make up my mind at this point.

      Hope we both like the story as it moves forward.

  10. This is also my first John Green book, and I'm enjoying it. I'm with you on "Pudge" sucking as a nickname, but that's true boy humor for you. Also true to form, boys falling for the slightly off-kilter/eccentric chick. It's happened before and will happen again. We will just have to keep reading to see how it will play out. I'm loving the humor/snark/wit in this book.

    I can say I do enjoy John Green's writing style. I just finished The Fault in Our Stars tonight, my second JG book, and it was amazing. I even cried (but don't spred that around) it was so heartbreaking at times.

    1. I want to try The Fault in Our Stars because it sounds like an emotional ride but I figured I would try Looking for Alaska first to see if I even like Green's writing.

  11. This is my first John Green book. Here are my thoughts i wrote down.

    I love the chapter titles, there is a sense of foreboding that something is coming in so many days.
    I love "The Great Perhaps" and i felt really bad for the whole no one showing up at his going away party lol

    When we meet Alaska i realize that Alaska is a girl lol. I was thinking more of the place and not a person. I liked the phrase "asphyxiating mass of literature", i think alot of us can imagine that, or have that in our own homes haha.

    I DID freak out when he got thrown into the lake, that was scary and slightly unrealistic. I think i woulda died right then and there. So far it seems to be keeping my interest, and i'm happy to be involed in the #ForbiddenBookClub
