24 January 2012

To All Our Devoted Followers!!!

As many of you may have heard my cousin and owner of Once Upon A Twilight blog Yara, has lost everything to a devastating fire that started Friday, late afternoon. The fire engulfed a second time early morning on Saturday leaving nothing but ashes behind. Although, they lost everything in this fire, my family is safe and that is what truly matters. I am grateful today and thank god everyday that my family was not hurt, at least not physically. Newspaper with Full Story

I am touched by all the kind words and support that she has received this past couple of days and how everyone has stepped up and has voiced their support throughout the Internet and phone calls. This means a great deal to Yara and she feels so loved and blessed to have each and everyone of you.

I apologize for the minimal posts and ask that you be patient with us until Yara can get somewhat settled and the blog can resume to it’s normal standings. Yara is limited to the Internet and when she can (& I will help as best I can) all reviews will be uploaded. We are going to strive to keep the blog going at normal speed and ask that you please not give up on the blog. Thank you all for all your support and understanding during this difficult time and we appreciate each and every one of you.

Please continue to keep the Santos family in your prayers as they will be facing some difficult times in the upcoming months. A donation website has been set up by TwilightMoms, to donate click HERE as well as you can donate anything directly to Yara through paypal, using this email santos7305@aol.com.  If you wish to send her anything through US postal office, please email me Jenny and I can provide you with an address. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Updated: Other related post created to help the Santos family during this trying time.

  • Twilightish: http://www.twilightish.com/2012/01/twilight-mom-loses-everything-in.html
  • Author Lani Woodland: http://laniwoodland.blogspot.com/2012/01/helping-out-friend.html
  • TwilightMoms: http://www.twilightmoms.com/2012/01/twilight-mom-loses-everything-in-devastating-house-fire/
  • Librarian Mouse: http://www.librarianmouse.com/2012/01/fellow-blogger-needs-your-help-please.html
  • Good Choice Reading: http://www.goodchoicereading.com/2012/01/fellow-blogger-needs-your-help.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GoodChoiceReading+%28Good+Choice+Reading%29
  • Emily's Reading Room: http://www.emilysreadingroom.com/2012/01/book-drive-for-yara.html
  • Mundie Moms: http://mundiemoms.blogspot.com/2012/01/yara-birthday-book-drive.html
  • Restock Yara's Bookshelves: http://yarasbookshelves.blogspot.com

Thank you,



  1. My heartfelt prayers are with you, Yara and family in this difficult time.

  2. I'm so terribly sorry. I just heard and it broke my heart. Thank goodness no one was hurt. You are in my thoughts. (((hugs)))

  3. Im glad everyone made it out ok.

  4. I'm heart is still bleeding for you Yara. <3 You are an amazing and strong woman, and I am sending up prayers for you and your family every night!!

  5. I will send you an email. Definitely in my prayers

  6. Oh my God, Yara - how awful! I just heard about what happened. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. I am so sorry, this is really, really sad. I will be donating through paypal on Friday!

  8. OMG. How horrible. :(
    I just met Yara last week when she won a copy of my book. I was so excited to send it to her because my MC's name is Yara. She and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    <3 <3 <3

  9. Thank you everyone for all your heartfelt words and prayers. This means the world to the Santos family.

  10. Oh my. I only just heard about this. I'm so sorry Yara, this is devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. And I know that I speak for all of your blog readers when I say that this could never possibly affect our reading of your blog. We'll all be here for as much as you can be and help whenever you need it.
    Please don't hesitate to ask for help! Even if you need guest posts or anything, there are so many of us that would love to help.

    *HUGS* xoxo

  11. Oh my! I am so sorry! I will keep you in my prayers, Yara.

  12. This is horrible news. If I lived closer I would offer you a place of refuge, Yara. I'm still sending you good vibes!

  13. My thoughts and prayers are being sent to Yara and her loved ones.

  14. It's been awhile since I've been on this blog (when you have a new baby everything gets put on a back burner and you only have so much time), but I still follow Kathy at iamareadernotawriter and I saw her post and recognized Yara's name from that from when I did follow this blog all the time. This is really devastating! I'm sending good thoughts and prayers her way and a book or such too!

  15. My heart just breaks reading this. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers!

  16. Yara, you and your family are in my prayers.

  17. How terrible! I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers! Hoping good things come your way. Please let me know if there is anything I can do!

    Glad everyone is safe, but what a hard thing to go through!
