28 February 2012

Audiobook Review: Destined by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast

House of Night #9
Authors: P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Narrator: Caitlin Davies
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Run-Time: 4 hours
Released: October 25th 2011
Review Source: Macmillan Audio
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet – which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together – if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow…

But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia’s handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there’s the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more – or possibly less – than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there’s something strangely familiar about him…

Will Neferet’s true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox’s humanity in time to protect him – and everyone – from his own fate? Find out what’s destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.

Let's begin with the audio portion. I'm a fan of Caitlin, she reads for a few series that I like and haven't been disappointed yet. She has the right tone and pitch when she reads different characters. Even when she does the parts of the boys, she does it well. I think her interpretation of Stevie Rae's voice is hilarious and exactly how I pictured it would sound. Her Zoey voice is probably my favorite from all the characters in the book. I think Macmillian audio did a good job when they picked Caitlin for this series. Even when the books have lost some of its pizazz, Caitlin has kept me interested. 

Now Let's chat about Destined the 9th book in the House of Night series. I am glad I read Destined, because the last 2-3 books were lacking a bit and I was losing hope in the series. In Destined the authors picked up there game again. I was once again immersed into the House of Night alongside the characters. I've either read or heard that many have given up on the series and if you are one of those then give Destined a try, I think it will get you back on and reading. The whole book was very well balanced. the characters were not annoying, there wasn't too much of one character and not enough of another. The book also didn't just focus on one place, it took the characters to different location throughout the storyline. What I liked the most about this book was that it was probably one of the darkest ones written in the series. That to me was what sealed the deal. 

Destined being the 9th in the series, there isn't a whole lot I can say without spoiling the story. In Destined know that there was a lot of new developments and discoveries. Zoey and her circle while unite and see why her mother was killed. Neferet continues to conspire against Zoey and will she continue to have the help of White Bull? Destined will also give you a reuniting that will warm your hearts after breaking it. Kalona and Rephain will they once again be father and son, or did Kalona loose him forever? Again I can't really disclose anymore. Destined does bring it compared to the last 2-3 books before in the series. The ending is one you can't miss reading. It was pretty powerful. 

The House of Night just has this thing that even when the books haven't been great, I still need to read them. The characters are addicting and hard to put down. Here is hoping the next installment will be as good as this one was. 

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