20 February 2012

Author Interview and Giveaway: W.J. May Author of Rae of Hope

Today we are happy to welcome Author W.J. May to the site. She answered a few questions for us today and is offering a ebook of Rae of Hope to one reader. You can catch our review for Rae of Hope HERE.

W.J. May Links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

OUaT: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a mother, a daughter, a wife, a writer, a Canadian gal – with the massive imagination that just needs to be let out of the box sometimes 

OUaT: Where did you get your ideas for Rae of Hope?

I started writing after my father passed away in 2009. Rae was a character that I really wanted to find out her story. I loved the idea of a tattoo giving people paranormal powers and I thought that throwing judgement reactions (what would you think if you saw a 16yo with a tattoo just over her jeans?) at her before she had a chance to even show her character was a great setting. I love England (hubby’s from Liverpool) and I am fascinated with Tudor history – so I had everything all set before I even set pen to paper.

OUaT: Are there certain character's you'd like to go back to?

Rae’s parents. I’ve never thought about writing a book like a prequel, but I’d love to find out what really happened between Rae’s uncle Argyle, her folks, and some of the teachers at Guilder Boarding School. There are so many secrets that her dad (and, hint…hint… her mother) had. I’d love to one day write their story, as it happened, through their eyes.

Right now however, I’m too entrenched in Rae’s life and everything that is going on it.

OUaT: Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?

Right now I write part time and run an online business with my hubby. I’m the mother of 3 young kiddies so life is busy  I’m not complaining at all, I just sometimes wish I had an extra 2 hrs a day to set aside for writing.

My agent has two other stories I’ve written, The Chronicles of Kerrigan is a four book series and I also have a WIP I would love to finish! An awesome busy, busy, busy.

OUaT: My favorite Character will have to be Molly and her outspoken personality. How did you know you wanted Molly to have this personality?

I’m loud – really loud, and sometimes annoying  (notice I say sometimes, hee hee). I wanted Molly to be loud, to be a little dippy (come on, we ALL have those moments, she just happens to say them out loud) and to really have a heart of gold. You’ll learn more about her in book two. She’s also a great side kick with Rae – every book needs a splash of humor and Molly is my splash 

OUaT: What about the Young Adult Genre interests you?

I read YA and Fantasy/Paranormal. Watch YA movies… I’m somehow stuck in that genre (or maybe it’s the dream to stay Forever Young. I like the “coming of age” and also seeing how the mistakes we make as teenagers start to round us into the adults we are going to become. There is a hint of innocence but also a sense of responsibility.

OUaT: What were your feelings when your first novel was accepted/when you first saw the cover of the finished product?

The cover of Rae of Hope is amazing. I had nothing to do with it  The publisher did a fantastic job and captured the setting of the book. I know we aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover, but in this case… I’d read the book  I can’t wait to see the cover of the second book!

When my agent called me (she always emails so when I heard the message on the answering machine, I knew it was something big.) I was pumped to find out I’d been offered a contract and even more ecstatic when it turned into a four book deal!

And of course, holding the first printed copy in your hands is indescribable. I still get a kick out of seeing my name on the cover – it still feels surreal.

OUaT: What got you interested/started in writing?

I love playing with my imagination and I’ve always made stories up in my head. When my kids were born, I had more of an excuse to start telling them  But for me, the big turning point was when my father passed away. He’d had a courageous battle with cancer and one of our very last conversations he told me to chase after my dreams. Life goes by in the blink of an eye. He passed away in September and that Christmas, I told my husband I was going to write a book. It became a way of release and the words flew easy off my fingers. Rae of Hope was born out of that and now, here she is!

OUaT: How did you come up with the title?

Actually, I had the title before I started writing the book on this one. I thought the name: Rae Kerrigan was a nice strong name and Rae of Hope was perfect. The Chronicles of Kerrigan came after as the series title.

OUaT: Will you have a new book coming out soon?

The second book in the series is coming out this August (2012). I have two other completed manuscripts that my agent and I are editing and always more WIP… details to follow one day 

Thanks so much for having me stop by, for reading Rae’s story and for enjoying it. I can’t wait to come back and see what you think of the second book!!

Here’s some links if you need them:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Author-WJ-May-FAN-PAGE/141170442608149

Twitter: @wanitajump

Book Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iauHkcm6UQo

So what did you all think? We love to hear your comments. Make sure to visit and say Hello to W.J. Thanks to W.J. we have a ebook copy of Rae of Hope to offer. 

To Enter:
  • Fill out the FORM
  • International
  • Giveaway ends February 26th at midnight
  • Must be 13 year for older to enter
  • Do not leave any personal info below


  1. Thanks again for letting me stop by and for the awesome review! I'm so pumped you enjoyed the story!!
    WJ May

  2. Great interview! It's nice to meet you WJ and I'm definitely going to check out Rae of Hope :)

    1. Awesome Candace! "Hope" you get a chance to read it! (yes, I am corny at times :)
      WJ May

  3. Great interview! Rae of Hope sounds really good. I'll have to add it to my TBR list :)
