02 February 2012

Blog Tour: Torrent by Lisa T. Bergren

Welcome everyone! Today is the next stop on the River of Time blog tour. I (Yara) was to have my review for the third book in the series posted for you today. Well most of you know that my house burned down last weekend, so ALL my books were lost to the fire. SO that means that I lost Torrent in the fire and didn't get a chance to read it. Lisa has placed in the mail a copy of Torrent for me to review but it has yet to arrive but once it does I will read it and review it here. I can't wait to read what happens next with Marcello and the Gabi. 

You can read my reviews for Waterfall (book 1) in the series HERE. Then you can read Cascade (book 2) in the series HERE. You will not regret picking up this series. You can read my reviews and just see how much I enjoy this series. I know that Torrent will not disappoint. If you missed our first post on the blog tour, just click HERE to read Lisa's "In Her Own Words" post.

Lisa T. Bergren Links: Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook

If you have been following the tour then you know of the great giveaway Lisa is hosting for you all. She is offering 20 books and 3 Kindle readers. See I told you it was pretty cool. To read the complete details on this giveaway, just visit Lisa's page HERE.


  1. Yara, I'm really sorry to hear about your loss! I hope you and your family recover from this ordeal quickly. There's never been a time for a book to provide an escape as now for you it seems. Wishing you lots of luck and better months ahead.

  2. I love that lisa is giving out all this awesome swag! Her blog tour is very awesome!

  3. How awesome! That's so generous of her!

  4. Thanks for being a part of the hunt. My prayers have been with your Yara, I know things must be rough, but I've seen such a wonderful outpouring of love from all your friends and other bloggers. Wishing you the best!

  5. I saw you posted your review for Torrent today, and am glad this series continues to hold an outstanding rating for you. I totally want to begin these sisters's journey now! ;)
