28 February 2012

Book Review: If I Die by Rachel Vincent

If I Die
Soul Screamers #5
Author: Rachel Vincent
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy
Released: September 27th 2011
Review Source: Harlequin Teen
Available: Amazon

Summary:(from goodreads) The entire school's talking about the gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck. Everyone except Kaylee Cavanaugh. After all, Kaylee's no ordinary high-school junior. She's a banshee—she screams when someone dies.

But the next scream might be for Kaylee.

Yeah—it's a shock to her, too. So to distract herself, Kaylee's going to save every girl in school. Because that hot new teacher is really an incubus who feeds on the desire of unsuspecting students. The only girls immune to his lure are Kaylee and Sabine, her boyfriend's needy ex-girlfriend. Now the unlikely allies have to get rid of Mr. Beck…before he discovers they aren't quite human, either.

But Kaylee's borrowed lifeline is nearing its end. And those who care about her will do anything to save her life.

If I Die is the fifth book in the Soul Screamers series. Oh how I wish I had read the previous books in the series before this one. I really loved this world and the characters, but some times I felt lost because I didn't have the back story from reading the other books before this one. I know for a fact that I enjoyed this one so much that I am going to go back and read the others and then this one again for the full effect.

I have to say that the back cover teaser on this book had me hooked. "No one wants to be THIS teacher's pet...The entire school's talking about the new math teacher, Mr. Beck. Everyone except Kaylee Cavanaugh. After all, Kaylee's no ordinary high-school junior. She's a banshee-she screams when someone dies. But the next scream might be for Kaylee..." Eek! How is that for a hook? Saying the main character might die. OMG! Most of this story revolves around Kaylee and friends trying to prove that Mr. Beck is bad news, all while trying to find a way to keep herself from dying. Time is ticking, though, and lots of interesting things happen as the story unfolds. Kaylee and Nash get closer and there is one thing she wants to do before she dies, but is Nash the right guy to share herself with in that way?

The characters in this book were well developed and so wonderful to get to know. Kaylee is a very well rounded character and I found myself really rooting for her to not have to die throughout this book. Her boyfriend, Nash, also a banshee, is described as being very dreamy, and has a brother, Tod, who is a reaper and is equally (if not more so) drool-worthy. Then there's Kaylee's BFF Emma, and Sabine, the mara who wants to be with Kaylee's beau. They are quite the group of characters and I am looking forward to the next book, Before I Wake, and catching up on the other books in the series.

1 comment:

  1. I just read the first two and LOVED them!! Need to keep working my way through them. Thanks for the review!
