11 February 2012

Book Review: The Laird who Loved Me by Karen Hawkins

The Laird who Loved Me
MacLean Curse #5
Author: Karen Hawkins
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Historical Romance
Released: August 20th 2009
Review Source: Purchased
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) The fourth and fifth exciting novels in "New York Times "bestselling author Karen Hawkins's sparkling Scottish Regency series about two beautiful twin sisters who find romance with the sexy MacLean brothers.

The laird of the MacLean Clan, Alexander, is a handsome and eligible bachelor. The infamous Caitlyn Hurst, known in society as The Incomparable, would love to change that. After her plan to trick him into marrying her goes awry, she gets a second chance to woo Alex into matrimony in "The Laird Who Loved Me."

Following up from the previous book, Alexander MacLean is set on ruining Caitlyn Hurst for causing an array of embarrassing situations to his family and getting his brother in a position where he had no choice but to marry her twin sister.
The curse is always latent and the sexy male with a big ego makes a big part of the story, especially when he encounters the female he can't forget and impossible to ignore when she brings upon him one daring situation after the other.

I liked the book, but missed the involvement of the others in the clan and would have enjoyed to know more about the events that brought the feud between them.

It's an enjoyable and romantic sexy read for those who like to read this genre.

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