17 February 2012

Friday Five: 2/17/12 - 5 Recommended Books You Loved

It's Friday so that means Friday Five that was inspired by Author Cheryl Renee Herbsman. Our friends at Eve's Fan Garden and Page Turners also partake in this meme. Each Friday we will post a question or topic, then respond with our five choices.

Name 5 Books Recommended To You and You Loved Them

  • Nightshade by Andrea Cremer recommend by Katie at Mundie Moms
  • River of Time Series by Lisa T. Bergren recommend by Katie at Mundie Moms and Andye at Reading Teen
  • Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James recommend by Pauline from The Hob.org
  • Intrinsical by Lani Woodland recommend by a fellow blogger because my name is the main character's name.
  • Dark Lover by J.R. Ward recommend at bookstore when I needed something to get my mind of Twilight back in 2008

1 comment:

  1. Aww what a great post! It's so rewarding when my friends find books they love after talking to them about it. I love our book talks!!
