03 February 2012

Reading Nook of the Week: OUaT Coven Reviewer: Jenny

Reading Nook of the Week

Today we welcome OUaT Coven reviewer, Jenny. She is showing us her favorite reading spot.

My favorite reading nook would have to be my couch. I have recliners on all the seats so I open it up, grab a throw blanket and a pillow and I am all set. This usually happens at night, once my daughter and husband are sound asleep and the house it entirely quiet. Otherwise, I will be interrupted several times and I do not like being interrupted. Especially if I'm reading an eBook from my Ipad and my daughter see's me (for some reason she believes it's hers! I guess it's because she uses it the most lol). If I'm tired, I tend to read in bed. But this doesn't happen very often, otherwise I will be dreaming instead of reading. lol.

If you would like for your Reading Nook to be featured on the blog, then send us an EMAIL with 1-3 pictures and a blurb.

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