13 March 2012

Book Review: Until I Die by Amy Plum + Giveaway

Until I Die
Revenants #2
Author: Amy Plum
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal
Release Date: May 8th 2012
Review Source: Harper TEEN
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Kate and Vincent have overcome the odds and at last they are together in Paris, the city of lights and love.

As their romance deepens there’s one question they can’t ignore: How are they supposed to be together if Vincent can’t resist sacrificing himself to save others? Although Vincent promises that he’ll do whatever it takes to lead a normal life with Kate, will that mean letting innocent people die? When a new and surprising enemy reveals itself, Kate realizes that even more may be at stake—and that Vincent’s immortality is in jeopardy.

In Die for Me, Amy Plum created a captivating paranormal mythology with immortal revenants and a lush Paris setting. Until I Die is poised to thrill readers with more heart-pounding suspense, spellbinding romance, and a cliff-hanger ending that will leave them desperate for the third and final novel in the series.

I know many of us partially died when we finished Die for Me, because of the long wait for Until I Die. So  when I got an ARC copy I pretty much died again with happiness. Seems only fitting for a book that the main characters are all not alive. Just like I mentioned when I read Die for Me, I can't believe how much I love a zombie series. I do love though that here they are Revenants and not Zombies. Makes it sounds all that much regal. Amy wrote this sequel like I think a sequel is meant to be. We learn more about the Revenants and their history. The characters are develop more and we visit more of Paris in Until I Die. 

Until I Die slows the story down a bit. It gives us the reader time to simmer the new developments that begin and continue to happen. Kate and Vincent are happy as can be. Kate thoughts though are always on their future together and how it will play out. Will Vincent be able to resist his nature and not die for anyone? Will they be able to grow old together without him suffering. These thought are pretty fresh in he rmind due to the fact that one of the revenants just lost this human partner from old age. So Kate sees how heard it has hit and wonders if Vincent will deal the same. She is determined to find a solution for Vincent. Vincent on the othe hand is practicing something that supposedly will help him and his need to die. Even though Vincent looks like its killing I'm if you can call it that, he is detrained to see it though. Little do they know that that is a small part in a big conspiracy against the Revenants. 
New house guests move in that are practically the oldest Revenants in Paris. They are what we call old school. Kate has mixed feelings about them and just when she beings to trust in one, they throw a flip on her. Kate's sister even gets deeper involved in the world of the living dead. The Nova have been quite since their leaer was killed in Die for Me, seems they are planning something pretty big. Well when the cards are finally placed on the table, big was an understatement. The plan was Epic and that it worked is what shocks us. Prepare yourself for an ending that will shock the socks off your feet.

I wish I could do like the Revenants sometime when I have to wait for the next book in a series. I would like to be dormant and not feel, so I won't suffer waiting on the next book. I know I want If I Should Die in my hands already but at the same time I won't want it to end. 
Make sure to follow the Until I Die blog tour that begins on 4/21. Its hosted by Mundie Moms and our stop is on 5/1 with our interview with Vincent. 

So you know that when we really like some of the books we read we tend to give you our own ARC copies out. So Until I Die could not be the exception. So one lucky reader will win a ARC of Until I Die. We suggest you read Die for Me before reading Until I Die. 
To Enter:
  • Fill out the FORM
  • Giveaway Ends on March 25th
  • Open Internationally
  • Must be 13 year for Older to enter
  • Read Our Giveaway Policy HERE
  • Do not leave email or any personal information below
  • Have you read Die for Me?


  1. I loved Die for Me, and I can't wait for Until I Die! Thanks for the contest!


  2. OMG, I am dying to read Until I Die! Thanks for the awesome giveaway =D

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  3. Thanks I loved the first book!

  4. I really loved Die for me, it was so powerful and Vincent was sooo romantic.. Thanks a lot!!!

  5. I've yet to read Die For Me...and this is seriously playing with my...read it later thinking...I might just go and pick it up right now!
    Thanks for this!

  6. I love when the second book lives up to the first. That's rare.
    I haven't started this series yet but ti looks really good.

  7. I haven't read it yet, but is in my next TBR books!
    Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  8. Die For Me was amazing! I really love Jules. :D
    Thanks so much this great giveaway!!!

  9. This cover is so gorgeous!
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway :)

  10. I'm can't wait to read it!! I loved Die for me!!

  11. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  12. I loved Die For Me! Thank you so much for the chance!

  13. Thank you a great giveaway.. Loved Die for Me.

  14. I read and LOVED Die For Me! I'm really excited to read Until I Die! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  15. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway!!

    - Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment

  16. I haven't read Die for me but I really, really want to. I hope I get the chance to read it soon! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  17. I just got Die For Me and I am really excited to read it. I am sure I will be super excited for Until I Die after I am finished. Awesome review and thanks for the great giveaway!

  18. i've read die for me and it was great, can't wait for until i die it is so far away..

  19. YES! I love Die For Me and can't wait for second book!!! Crossing my fingers that I win!

  20. Loved Die For Me, thank you for the contest!!

  21. I thought Die for Me was an amazing, I didnt want it to end. I love both cover, I cant wait to read it.
    Thank you for having these contest!

  22. I just picked up Die for Me! I can't wait to read it!


  23. Yes it was AMZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I loved Die for Me and I can't wait for Until I Die. Thank you for the giveaway!

  25. I would love to read both books!!!so I hope to be a lucky winner!!kisses

  26. Die For Me was fantastic! I can't wait until Until I Die is released.

    A wonderful review & giveaway.

    Sharon @ Obsession with Books

  27. I read it many times already, and I can't wait for Until I die.
    Thanks for the contest !

  28. Thank you for the great giveaway! I've read Die for me and really liked it :)
